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Liposuction – Surges High

Beverly Hills, California, USA – November 3, 2010 – Statistics showed that there had been an increase in liposuction procedures says The American Society of Plastic Surgery.

Everyone wants to be beautiful that is a fact, the figures had spoken. Vanity strikes at every demographics.
Liposuction surgeries are particularly high among adolescents to middle age women. Dr. Sherman with over 25 years experience in liposuction surgeries had seen the zenith of the trade. “The tight competition makes the beauty clinics to regulate the liposuction price, thus making it available to everyone “says Dr. Sherman. The fast-paced lifestyle makes exercise and dieting a second best choice as a means of losing weight compared to procedural lose-weight system such a liposuction that yields faster results in shorter period of time Dr. Sherman added.

Chloe De Vera a teenage girl from Los Angeles admitted she had undergone liposuction a year ago. “I did it for self-esteem concerns. I want to feel good and be loved and accepted by my peers. After the procedure surprisingly I had a few suitors” De Vera smilingly added.

“Even at my age, I resorted to tummy tuck liposuction to even out ugly cellulites around my abdomen area” says Lisa a 42-year old housewife from San Diego. “In fact I am more sensitive and aware about how I look now that I am ageing, I want to age beautifully and gracefully, self-esteem that I got from liposuction is a thing that I can’t buy somewhere else, it’s priceless” Lisa added.

Traditionally, women were the ones who had more choices to make about the state of their health and beauty. Now, men are jumping on the bandwagon and claiming that right of choice as well, Richard Osmond a resident of San Francisco is not shy to admit that his treatment of choice for gynecomastia (large breasts in men) is liposuction. “I cannot stand the attention I am getting because of my enlarge breasts, it is so embarrassing, now I can live my life normally just like everyone. My point here is not vanity per se but living a life without the unsolicited attention of other people. I will be forever grateful to liposuction” Osmond ended.

“Such point of view is prevalent, society had been brainwashed by media by trending thin as ideal body type urging teenage girls and middle aged women to follow the bandwagon. People try to mimic what they saw on the cover of the magazines. Changing your perspective about beauty will anchor someone from going under the knife. “I am not personally against individuals who are into liposuction, but truly knowing your inside and your self-worth will enlighten an individual that beauty is beyond skin deep.” Dr. Petterson said a sociologist.

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