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Louise Hoo Sue Joins Dwayne and Myron Golden in the Circle of Champions for Internet Marketing

The lack of commitment and dedication has caused many persons to fail on the Internet. Louise Hoo Sue and other members of the Circle of Champions are making a difference enhancing people’s lives.

Ocala, Florida, October 21, 2008 — The Circle of Champions is a group of dedicated network entrepreneurs who have come together to make a difference in people’s lives. They have banded together to make sure that no committed, dedicated, teachable, and loyal to principle, entrepreneur is left behind.

The group is comprised of persons from all economic and social backgrounds, and various ages

The Circle of Champions is the brainchild of some successful forward thinking network marketers who could be regarded as philanthropists. They really want to make a difference in people’s lives. Some of them have been victims of unprofessional Internet Marketing investment tactics.

Today, the Internet is teeming with marketing ‘gurus’ of every sort. Millions of new people enter the Internet everyday. The majority of these people are searching for an online home-based business. Needless to say, many of them have been taken by scammers who pose as online business experts. Then, some quit before they can realize their dreams.

Is it because all the businesses are scams? NO! It is because most who join a business are not asked to make a commitment. As long as the person who wishes to join the particular business has the money, that is all that is needed. Folk that is a recipe for failure.

Louise Hoo Sue, Dwayne and Myron Golden, and other members of the Circle of Champions, have “raised the bar.” To be a member of the Circle of Champions, first, you have to be COMMITTED.

Can you think of anyone who was committed to a cause, and failed to realize his/her goal?

Please click the following link, for more information on the Circle of Champions:
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Press Contact:
Louise Hoo Sue
Ocala, Florida

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