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Make sure that you trust the site or you will end up in a mystery shopper’s scam

Reports yesterday have identified certain mystery shopper’s scam websites lately. The modus operandi of these websites was to lure in members for a fee. They will promise that there will be a lot of product testing and compensation. At the start, they will give some products. Sooner or later, after getting enough members and their membership fees, they disappear into nowhere. This is not the first time that you have heard of a scheme like this. Just not long ago, fly by night companies have been around. They do the same thing as these scammers. They will ask for a certain investment and they will later on, run away with the funds. Consumers have to be made aware of these schemes and they should not allow it to continue or proliferate in this society. If you have knowledge of any mystery shopper’s scam out there then you should report it immediately to the police. Even if there is slight suspicion that the website is questionable, it would be wise to report it to the police right away.

It is inevitable that there will be a mystery shopper’s scam once in awhile. Just like any company or start up out there, there will be those who invest and lose and there will be those who invest and win. It is always a coin toss. Being a member on a mystery shopper’s site is just like any kind of investment. Although such investment is less risky for the stable mystery shopping sites, you still can not be fool proofed from the many events that happen over the web.

Should you support or should you avoid these mystery shopping sites? That is the question that is raised by the public today. Mystery shopping has a lot of advantages. As a company, you will be able to learn a lot about your product. As a member, you will be able to enjoy testing products and getting compensated for it. The disadvantages of mystery shopping sites are basically its novelty in the industry and the unfamiliarity it brings to people. If you are afraid to try something new then you should not risk any of your money on a mystery shopping site at all. You are better off spending your money elsewhere. If you are a bit more daring and if you think that you could take some risk then you should certainly give the mystery shopping business a try. Take a chance and you may just get lucky.

Find out more about Mystery shopper’s scam at The Shadow Shopper.This article was supplied by Mac T. Wheeler, you can find out more about him over at My Sabai – Freelance and Technology Blog.

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