Malice Cloaked in Liberty By George Autry Jr., Wins Chaytor Foundation Literary Award


Columbia, SC/July 9, 2008 – The critically acclaimed book, Malice Cloaked in Liberty ((ISBN 978-1-60477-382-8, Townhall Press, 2008) by George Autry Jr., has been named as a winner of the Chaytor Foundation Literary Awards. The book, by first time author Autry, rips off the secretive world of today’s liberal thought and organizations to expose the dangers that they are presenting to America. Among the topics that the critically acclaimed book deals head on with are the culture war, race, radical Islam, the attack on religion, illegal immigration, and judicial tyranny. The Chaytor Foundation Literary Awards celebrate the role of authors, and we are proud to recognize the best. Our communities are better places because of the work honored by these awards. The Chaytor Foundations are part of the philanthropic arm of Alphar Publishing and the Elsinore Times. Malice Cloaked in Liberty was selected over several thousand books submitted worldwide.

“I am very honored and humbled to see Malice Cloaked in Liberty be honored by such a prestigious award and also to attract an international audience,” said George Autry Jr. “The message in this book is one that I believe resonates throughout western civilization and is timely as Americans make their decision for our nation’s future this election year – a decision that will affect all nations.”

Malice Cloaked in Liberty calls in to account those in the fields of media, education, government, and even religion who have chosen to shirk their responsibility to the American people by turning a blind eye to the dangers corrupting American values. Autry contends that there is a vast left-wing conspiracy that is far more dangerous than any enemy America has ever confronted. Autry writes that radical Islamic-fascism is using and is being backed by liberals to attack America from within. He contends that many Islamic schools in the United States are being used as training camps for a fifth-column within our country. What is more, Autry argues that responsible leaders are aware of this and they do nothing to stop it.

Autry also trains his fire on the ACLU and liberal activist judges who seek to use the courts to undermine the legislative and executive branches of government. Continuing the conservative argument he shows how judges are seeking to legislate from the bench and impose the liberal agenda that has been rejected at the polls. Autry shows how liberal Presidents such as Carter and Clinton seek out judicial appointments in hopes of circumventing the legislative process to impose their agenda on the American people.

Illegal immigration and the failure to address this issue is a major concern of Autry. He points out that legal immigration is the glory of America but today, liberals try to paint anyone who opposes illegal immigration as being a bigot and against immigration.

Autry also demonstrates how race is a favorite tactic of today’s radical left to attack mainstream America. He points out the double standards that are seen in debates between white and African-American leaders and how white leaders are often afraid to point out hypocrisy for fear of being labeled a racist. Charging racism is the new ploy of the left alleges Autry.

The Chaytor Foundation Literary Awards have reaffirmed their commitment to the core values of improving modern literature and free expression. The purpose of the awards are (1) to spotlight literature worthy of further consideration by the talent-hungry pipeline of the publishing and entertainment industry; and (2) facilitate getting those works into the proper hands for consideration.

Additional information on the Chaytor Foundation Awards may be obtained at

Additional information on Malice Cloaked in Liberty and George Autry Jr., may be obtained at


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By lpadgett