Martial Arts Afterschool Programs More than Babysitting


Now that school is back in session, what the kids will do afternoon is a question many parents find themselves asking. Getting them involved in an afterschool program should be at the top of the list. In a time when youth tend to get in trouble once the last school bell rings, having them participate in an afternoon program will keep them safe and off the streets. One of the programs parents should consider is martial arts. Not only are they able to yell, scream and have some much needed exercise but they also learn some techniques that will help them in all areas of their lives. Within Tae Kwon Do students are exposed to five precepts which are courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit. In knowing the precepts, students are able to express themselves properly while showing respect.

Equally, participation in recreational activities supply children with a break that allows them to take their mind off of the stressors of their school day through activity. From quizzes, tests, peer pressures and more kids today more than ever need a break. “Having a healthy balance of study time and recreational time is formula that makes after school programs successful” says Terrance Evins, Owner of King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Charlotte.  “It is when youth are afforded the time to let loose after studies from school they can refocus and concentrate on later duties like homework,” Evins continued. It is also known that children involved in extracurricular activities have better grades than children who aren’t involved in anything. By participating in Tae Kwon Do students are rising to higher standards, in and out of the classroom.

About King Tiger Tae Kwon Do:

Opening in 2003 in Charlotte, King Tiger Tae Kwon Do’s (KT) goal for each student is to provide practical self defense techniques, promote better health and develop strong minds. KT is determined to serve students with the highest quality instruction, professionalism, and service in the industry. With diverse student age ranges, KT offers discipline and character building programs available for children, men and women including Tae Kwon Do, After School and Summer Camps. King Tiger Tae Kwon Do has five locations: North Charlotte, South Charlotte, Lake Norman, Mint Hill, and Belmont.


Additional information about King Tiger Academy of North Charlotte can be found at  To schedule an interview with Terrance Evins of King Tiger Tae Kwon Do, please contact John Burton, Jr. of The Burton Group PR.

Media Contact:

John Burton, Jr.

the burton group pr

626.391.2180 – e

[email protected] e


About the author


Founded in 2001, The Burton Group is a marketing, event development, and media relations agency. We offer a suite of innovative public relations, consulting services, and their history of representing small enterprises, corporations and not-for-profit organizations over the past 10 years. Over the years, we have represented a range of clients including: recording artists, religious, non-profit organizations, entertainment celebrities, media publications and business corporations.

By tbgpr