To Live Or Maybe Not – The Book – Gary Revel – His Life And His MLK Assassination Investigation


Playing poker with men in a bar is not the usual activity of a 10 year old boy but it was for Gary Revel. Dancing with waitresses to Rock & Roll, Blues and Country music coming from the jukebox was also part of his usual childs play. Danger, intrigue and murder followed as he grew up and entered the darkness of the investigation of the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination. Now he has written and published a book that connects the dots for the reader.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down on April 4, 1968 as he stood on the 2nd floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis Tennessee. In 1977 Gary Revel joined with attorneys Jack Kershaw and Mark Lane in an effort to bring to light the truth of the King murder. Some of his effort in uncovering the conspiracy and the involvement of Organized Crime and the US Government is dealt with in this book and available to the general public.

From Gary’s humble birth in Florala, Alabama then murder, intrigue, adventure, conspiracy and danger followed as Gary started his journey that would take him eventually into Brushy Mountain Prison in Petros Tennessee to meet the convicted killer of Martin Luther King Jr., James Earl Ray and then the Chief Counsel, Richard Sprague of the House Select Committe on Assassinations.

At the age of 10 years old his mother killed a friend in the bar she owned in Niceville Florida and was jailed in the Okaloosa County Jail for months until the case was dismissed as an accident. He grew up in Florida and graduated from Holmes County High School in Bonifay Florida before joining the Navy during the Vietnam War Era.

He was honorably discharged 2 years later and left San Diego California for the music business in Hollywood California, New York City and Memphis Tennessee. At that time Nashville Tennessee beckoned and Gary joined other greats, (Hank Williams, Roy Acuff, Don Gibson, etc) at the Acuff-Rose Music Company (Now Sony/ATV Nashville).

A few years later he began his investigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. with Nashville attorneys Jack Kershaw, Mary Noel-Kershaw as well as the Rush To Judgement author/attorney Mark Lane in association with the (HSCA) House Select Committee on Assassinations. Gary plunged into the investigation with a passion. The year was 1977 and the murder of his brother, cousin’s husband and associate followed.

He wrote this book in his own words as he reflected on his early life and tried to make some sense of it. Now you can read of his experiences and exploits in his new book.

About the author


New book, To Live Or Maybe Not on sale at

By garyrevel