Still Modelling at Eighty: Selfe an Inspiration, Says Models Direct


Daphne’s story should be an inspiration to older people who think they might like to try their hand at becoming a model, says Managing Director at nationwide agency Models Direct, Damian O’Connor.

England, UK, April 02, 2009 — It sounds incredible, but after six decades in the business Daphne Selfe’s modelling career is still going strong, and she’s not showing any signs of slowing down.

Selfe recently shared her recollections of a lifetime in the modelling industry, recalling the many changes in fashion, hair, and ideas of beauty that have gone on over the past sixty years.

Her career began back in 1949 when her workmates at the department store where she worked persuaded her to enter a competition to be the cover girl of a local magazine, The Reading Review. Her parents were supportive of her dream to become a model – in fact they were pleased she’d found a safer pastime than riding horses.

Her modelling career began when she signed up to a modelling agency, and received three weeks basic training on walking, standing, and doing her own hair and make up.

From these humble beginnings, began a modelling career which has seen innumerable changing styles and trends over the decades. Selfe has kept working through the 2000s – walking the catwalks at London Fashion Week, for example.

Daphne’s story should be an inspiration to older people who think they might like to try their hand at becoming a model, says Managing Director at nationwide agency Models Direct, Damian O’Connor.

“Daphne’s achievement is amazing,” says O’Connor. “And one of the most interesting things about her modelling career is that she has managed to sustain it over the decades, always finding plenty of work as the years rolled by.”

“The fact that she still looks brilliant at the age of eighty is inspiration enough, but it also goes to show that the modelling industry and the fashion industry are open to a wide range of ages and looks today,” says O’Connor.

At Models Direct we often have clients coming to us needing older models for a particular job, so we’re always interested in signing up new talent of all ages,” he says.
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* To find out more about Models Direct:

* Find out about how you could become a model:

* To find a model for your business:
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Dave Chandler
Campaign manager
Models Direct
+44 (0) 870 041 0459
[email protected]

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