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Monavie Zeolite or Zrii The Blends of the fruit of life

December 18 2008 – The self-acclaimed health benefits of the Monavie blends have not been scientifically proven according to well known physicians and nutritionists. They also said that the monavie pulse and Monavie pulse gel are very unreasonably priced beyond what is accepted.

Some reporters from Newsweek and the Palm Beach Post have found out that the FDA or Food and Drug Administration has called the attention of Monavie distributor Kevin Vokes with regard to the numerous health benefit claims about the product on their website. Vokes have been quoted to have claimed that the health drink was effective for preventing heart diseases, inflammations, joint and muscle pains.

As a result, the FDA has posted a charge against him for promoting the product as a drug and is in clear violation of the Federal food, drug and cosmetic act by claiming that it could treat and prevent such things.

Reporters from Forbes magazine soon called Monavie a pyramid scam, they further cited that when Louis B. Niles claimed that the drink can also cure cancer it started to raise the red flag, and as these reporters probe deeper they are able to unearth the dark past of its CEO Dallin Larsen, who was not just one of the executive officers of an MLM company that sold a very similar product with the same type of claims, but was the Sales Vice President of the said company.

It has been also found that Larsen had left the said company just before the FDA closed it for selling fake products that have been colorfully advertised to have healing and preventive effects for cancer, arthritis, and attention deficit disorder. The product was famously known as Royal Tongan Limu juice. You can learn more about this work from home business here.

The Royal Tongan Limu juice was a product distributed by Dynamic Essentials until the FDA prompted its closure and its mother company NBTY or Nature Bounty Inc. was forced to pay the price of a staggering $2 million US as a settlement for the class action suit filed against them by the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice as a result of their dubious health claims that could have actually resulted to more sickness and posted dangers to consumers.

The Monavie, Zrii, and Liquid Cellular zeolite products, now considered to be a monavie scam can actually cause harm and dangerous results to its users. It has been proven to just be a waste of money. As they continue to promulgate misleading and dubious claims for great health benefits. So be forewarned and research before you give them your money. Don’t be blinded by its rose colored promises, you may end up regretting it in the end.

Always remember that prevention is better than cure, but if you already have arthritis or other diseases choose a well balanced diet, regular exercise and regular visits to your physicians over things that promise instant results in exchange for your money. To learn more on Zrii, please visit our zrii.

Company Name – Monavie Zeolite Juice
Street Address – PO Box 44
Phone Number – 7654375259
Email –
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