.NET Gains Mid-Market High Ground

Statistics show Open Source languages are losing ground to .NET among small and medium sized enterprises.

A recent report by B2B directory Approved Index has shown that .NET is the most sought after language for software development among small to medium sized businesses in the UK. Despite Linux being the predominant server operating system, the most requested software language for the UK’s middle market is Microsoft .NET.

Approved Index compiled the data submitted by companies looking for software developers over a period of 3 months. The report found that 26.5% of companies selected .NET as their preferred programming language, compared to just 15.7% requesting PHP, Perl, Ruby on Rails or Python based software. In fact, when companies who selected the “Unsure” and “Don’t mind” options were discounted, .NET requests made up almost half of all enquiries.

Titus Sharpe, director of Approved Index, said “I am greatly surprised by .NET’s influence and growing popularity considering the many benefits of open source languages”.

This buck in the trend might not come as such as surprise when looking at worldwide server usage. Netcraft.com reports that Linux usage is declining as a percentage of market share, while Microsoft is increasing.

Read the full “Approved Index – UK Mid-market Software Development Industry Report 2007”

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By alexapproved