If you never thought you could make it in Network Marketing, guess again


Network Marketing Jedi Master, Coach Robb West says, come with me and never worry about money again.

Pure Health Trends Network announced today its partnership with Robb West of Camano Island Washington.

For more than 20 years, Robb West has mentored and trained people to be successful by helping people transform self-limiting beliefs into self-fulfilling breakthroughs to achieving their dreams. His motivational story of rising from a dyslexic plumber, to a successful entrepreneur has inspired many people.

In the early to mid 2000’s, Robb, along with his passion for Network Marketing, turned media company Smart Age Media from “just lead generation” to a full fledged Network Marketing Support Company.

“Thanks for the time and instruction this evening. I think the last time I was this excited was 1991 when I joined Amway and went to a big function and saw there were people like me. I really feel like this time it’s my turn to succeed, and all the past “failures” were building blocks to get me where I am today. In the past 15 years I have overcome All my fears of talking to people on the phone in person, no matter, but now, I have to learn how to close the deal. No more catch and release, just hook, look and keep or toss.” — Larry Alford

“Wow! What a great call. You two just presented the very best training call I have ever heard. The best part of it was how it got me thinking in so many creative directions. THANK YOU BOTH!” — Cathy Sechrist

Robb helps people see how, by thinking differently; you can make choices that transform obstacles into opportunity. As a Networking Jedi Master, Robb often quotes “MASTER YODA” when people tell him they will give it a try. Robb chants… No, try not. Do, or do not. There is no “try.”

“I see Pure Health Trends Network as the next big thing.” Says Robb West. “Some people will look at the year 2008 and wonder what happened? Others are going to look at it and mark it down as their historical year for success. I guess it all depends on what you want to write down on your accomplishment list next year.”

“I’ve just never seen a new company take off so fast and that’s encouraging.” said West. “I really believe it’s because people love the products. We don’t have to worry about here today gone tomorrow fads. These products work!”


Since 1995 the founders of Pure Health Trends Network has been formulating and selling their nutritional product line to the end consumer. With their focus being on female wellness and aging, their products have been sold in clinics, doctors offices, health fairs, and trade shows all over America.


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By purehealth