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NPFunds provide viable funding options for Churches and Christian foundations..

2009 was a challenging year for Churches and Christian Ministries to raise funds, so a new strategy for 2010 has been welcomed by the community.

Implementing a grant writing strategy is now a key part of the future for many Christian foundations. During the economic downturn of 2009 many Churches have seen their funding dip. In many cases this was because most of their funding was through one strategy, individual donors, service fees, church missionary support for instance. There was no contingency plan when these sources became stagnant or contracted. Grant funding is not the whole solution but a part of a diversified funding strategy that will back up your normal funding plans. provides Grant Writing Consultancy, to assist with this often daunting task. Their knowledge and expertise ensures their clients have the best chance of acquiring the funds their Church needs. The resources available to these consultants’ means they have the ability to successfully match organizations that want to fund your kind of Church or charity.

Only some of the most prominent nonprofit ministries will secure funding in 2010. The recession has taken its toll in the amount of funding that is available for charities. The search for money to finance charitable work will become more competitive as state governments and private foundations cope with balancing the books after this time of recession. and Here-4-You Consulting and Grant Writing specialize in acquiring funds for Churches and other Christian nonprofit organizations. They have been in business for over ten years.

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