Nutrients Best Introduces Instant Japanese Green Tea Packets for Digestion and Antioxidant Protection


Nutrient’s Best introduces Instant Japanese Green Tea packets for Digestion and Antioxidant protection. Mason Natural and Ito En® have teamed up to launch this exciting new instant green tea that is available in two flavors of Ginger and Cranberry/ Grapes. Whilst the former is fortified with nutrients to promote healthy digestion, the latter is infused with potent antioxidants to keep disease at bay.

Nutrient’s Best is an authorized retailer of health supplements and quality nutrients. Nutrient’s Best stocks supplements from Mason Vitamins, Inc, that is one of the largest vitamin suppliers and marketers in the United States with a selection of over 450 Nutritional Supplements. The website launched in 2008 facilitates online buying of the choicest nutritional supplements from a domain that is user friendly and informative as well as safe and secure.

In a milieu where people are becoming increasingly health and fitness oriented, Nutrient’s Best offers products that are much more than the average supplement. It is now accepted that it is not enough to just pop the supplement with mechanical regularity. The contents and combinations should be such that facilitate speedy absorption, a facet that is well taken care of by Nutrient’s Best.

The latest introduction of instant tea packets is available in convenient packets that make a 16.9 oz beverage. The massive nationwide advertising campaign launched by the company in 2009 has proved highly effective and the Probiotics and Digestive supplements category has posted a record growth of 136% in the specialty supplement category. Consumers today focus more and more on digestive health –which is the biggest segment of the functional foods market. The Ultra Antioxidant supplement formulated with Cranberries and Grapes has a high ORAC value of 4500. The higher ORAC levels therein provide stronger free radical protection for the body.

Products at Nutrient’s Best include Vitamins, Supplements for Bone and Joint Health, Fish Oils and Omega-3, Digestive Aids, Weight Loss, Herbs, Herb Extracts and a plethora of other good-health formulas. The updated and well outfitted website ensures that customers stay informed about new introductions and online offers.


Nutrient’s Best is an authorized retailer of quality vitamins and supplements for maintenance of general health and well being. As a company Nutrient’s Best was established in 1987 and initially operated as a mail order company for supplements and vitamins, whilst the domain was launched in June 2008. Nutrient’s Best stocks supplements from Mason Vitamins, Inc, that is one of the largest vitamin suppliers and marketers in USA. Excellent customer service, fair pricing and the best value is the special bonus offered by Nutrient’s Best to its customers.

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By sanju