Now offering Free Information on Chronic Pain


Tustin, CA, 22 July, 2010 Chiropractor in Tustin ATTENTION CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERERS Explains that there are many people suffering from chronic pain, pain caused by apparently NO preceding injury. People have reported going to sleep feeling fine and then waking up in pain, or doing something as simple as bending or turning and then suddenly experiencing pain, yet there was no trauma or accident, or damage, etc.

This is so widespread that people go on with these pains for days, weeks, months and even years. Most decide to just push through their pain and go on with their daily living simply because they don’t know there is something that can be done about it. Or they decide to medicate themselves so they are numb to the pain. Neither is the correct solution per the team at Tustin Chiropractic Clinic. This is how the condition becomes chronic in the first place.

It is reported that the residents of Tustin have been aided successfully without drugs or surgery for this very condition.

Dr. and staff of the Chiropractic Clinic have ways of addressing this concerning issue.

It was explained that pain is an actual warning system. Much like when the “check engine light” goes on in your car, if you ignore it now in an attempt to save yourself time or money, it will always end up costing you far more time and money as well as frustration, later.
Pain is telling you that something is wrong in the body. When you are limping due to pain, it’s your body’s way of keeping you off of that leg until it is strong enough to support your weight again. If you take pain medication to numb out feeling that pain, you will go back to walking as usual, putting the full weight back on the injured area which clearly risks elongating the actual recovery time if not even creating a worse injury.

Although it may appear that there was no preceding injury that brought on the pain to begin with, Dr. feels that there is still a cause and that somehow your system was weakened and that is what they look for in your consultation and exam. After which, there is a thorough report to explain exactly why this chronic condition was brought about to begin with and what your options really are.

To receive more information Contact:

Matt Prados
560 W 1st st #200
(714) 486-1854,

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By chiropress101