Official Lucasfilm Star Wars artist Kevin Graham to lend his talents to FactPile

O, a debating site that features fictional battles between Comic Book, Television, Movie and Video Game Characters, is pleased to announce that Lucasfilm Star Wars Artist Kevin Graham will lend his works to the site for featured matches.

PITTSBURGH PA – May 25th, 2011.

Today announced the partnership between Star Wars Artist Kevin Graham and the site in which Kevin’s distinctive artistic style of drawing will be used to showcase feature matches on the site. FactPile has always used a diverse set of talent to help showcase the matches featured for the site, but none before have brought the pedigree that Graham delivers.

“Having Kevin’s unique drawing style adds another level of distinction for FactPile that few sites can match. His passion for his work clearly comes through and it’s easy to see why Lucasfilm has selected him to be one of the exclusive artists that are officially allowed to create Star Wars art.”

Every day, there are new matches posted for debators to decide the outcome of two characters who must face each other to determine a winner. While mostly fictional characters and relams, FactPile also has exclusive “First Looks” for upcoming movies and television shows that match the target audience of the site.

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Paul Bliss,
640 Huntington Drive,
Cranberry Township PA 16066,
phone – 412.519.2217
email – [email protected]

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By factpile24