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Olympian Sailor Sails Anew with Her Domestic Cleaning Services in Chichester

For Immediate Release

Birdham, Chichester — March 2, 2011. Olympian Christina Bassadone, who competed in the last two Summer Olympics as a sailor, sails anew, not in the upcoming 2012 Olympics in London, but with her new business of domestic cleaning service. Bassadone established her very own cleaning company in Chichester named Task Angels which specializes in lifestyle management, including cleaning, gardening, home organization, and home help for the elderly.

Task Angels in not just one of usual cleaning companies in Chichester, more than domestic cleaning, it offers lifestyle management which aims to give back some time to busy professionals and parents by managing their household chores and errands.

The company was created from Bassadone’s observation that work-life-balance is a constant struggle for most people and a helping hand can free up much-needed time and energy.

“I believe society has changed; we are under more pressure being accessible 24-7 with iPhones & Blackberrys. We’ve seen an increase of households with two working parents. It leaves little time for the smaller tasks in life. After all, wouldn’t you much rather be out enjoying all the wonderful things life has to offer? Time with family & friends; sailing, golf, cycling, walking, or even simply relaxing rather than cleaning the house!?!” Bassadone says.

The athlete turned entrepreneur, a local of Chichester, has a glorious career as an athlete. At the age 22, she had earned a place in Team GB which competed in the 470 class at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. After graduating from Southampton University with a degree in Management Sciences, she rose to number one in the 470 class world rankings in 2006, and qualified again for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

“I then fell flat on my face! I lost my Father, who although had fought off pancreatic cancer died suddenly of a stroke. It changed my world, my perspective on what was important and how I wanted to spend my time,” recounts Bassadone.

She hopes to give back to the community which fostered her sailing career, by providing not just the usual cleaning services in Chichester, but quality service for those in need of a helping hand. “Chichester is a great place to start a business. I want to offer great service to the residents of Chichester and its surrounding areas and help stimulate the economy. After all, everyone needs a helping hand every now and then,” says Bassadone with a smile.

Task Angels, Bassadone’s lifestyle management and domestic cleaning business has grown from a one-woman operation to a limited company with over 80 clients. It has hit its mark of £60,000 for its first year of operation and continues to grow as it takes in new clients every week.

Bassadone appreciates the importance of small local businesses and has built a network of local contractors and suppliers with whom she works with. Tough economic times aside, with her business booming, she maintains an optimistic outlook on the future of Task Angels and of Chichester.

More information about Bassadone and her lifestyle management and domestic cleaning services in Chichester is available at

Task Angels
0800 610 1510
Chichester Marina
PO20 7EJ


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