Online Marketing Help proves value of real-time web tools


The real-time web, for business owners and webmasters, is marked by real-time access to news and information concerning products and services and ease of use. Consumers today need to get what they want fast and without hassle. The size of the web itself and the number of online business which engage in active marketing makes the window of opportunity to close a sale with a potential client very small indeed.

Traditionally, this is where big-budget business has excelled. Armed with superior manpower and deeper pockets they have usually been able to use real-time communication to reach audiences which smaller business and the lone webmaster usually couldn’t. All this has now changed. Google’s inclusion of a website’s real-time web presence in its ranking assessment of it has become a game changer. Now, not only are real-time web tools being made accessible to small business but their use impacts positively on SEO saving even more time and money for the hard-pressed small business owner.

Webmasters, these days, have very little time to actually find and engage their target audience. This means that the pressure has to be in making their websites more visible. The traditional path for this was (and to some extent still is) the search engine results pages. These days, however there are also many other paths which combine the accessibility of real-time web tools which appear in the end-users’ news streams (such as Twitter and Facebook) and the pervasiveness of the social network which is provided by content-driven websites such as MySpace and YouTube.

A new book titled ‘Online Marketing Help: How to promote your website using Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other social networks’ details the practical steps required to achieve the kind of online visibility which will help you get more targeted clients and will also promote your website to search engines.

“SEO has stopped being a separate activity and has now become an integral part of online marketing practices,” explains David Amerland, who also wrote the best-selling ‘SEO Help: 20 steps to get your website on Google’s #1 page’. Webmasters who learn this lesson gain time and money by successfully implementing an integrated campaign which has greater impact, produces more persistent results and helps them promote their online business to both human visitors on social networks and search engines.”

With internet marketing being one of the most costly and least understood elements of online business promotion the ability to now integrate it into a website’s regular SEO and online promotional is seen as saving time, effort and money. “Winning online is all about marketing smarter, not harder. This is where you need to use real-time web tools and ‘Online Marketing Help’ is designed to be the helping hand webmasters need on that score,” says David Amerland.

Notes to editors
Online Marketing Help is available to buy from Amazon and any quality offline or online bookshop for $22.99. ISBN: 978-1-84481-988-1. It can also be purchased from the Amazon Kindle store or directly from David Amerland’s website:

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By WebDirectStudio