Online Newspaper Out in Front of Growing Trend for Internet Publications


With traditional papers going out of business on a weekly basis, readers are turning to the National Times, an online newspaper, in order to get their fill of the news, sports and entertainment information. The National Times has embraced the new online format that readers want and because of its recession proof business model, it has enjoyed a strong readership that is increasing by the day.

Canton, MS, April 07, 2009 — The National Times has quickly emerged as the new face of the news. As more traditional papers go out of business, the National Times is able to step up and deliver the news to its readers free of charge, which is what people are looking for during the recession.

With all of the publications that have gone out of business, people have been forced to find new ways to find out what is going on in the United States. Thanks to the National Times, the search is over. Readers are able to get their fill of the news, even if their local paper has gone out of business.

The National Times is a weekly newspaper that is meeting a real need in the United States. Unlike other online news outlets, the National Times is a complete newspaper. Readers that visit the National Times can look through features, news, sports, lifestyle and arts and entertainment. The paper gives readers the experience of the weekly newspaper while also offering a business model that is sustainable in the ever changing economy.

The National Times gets its news from the Gannett News Service. By using the Gannett News Service, it is able to get news from the top publications around the United States, such as USA Today.

Because of the online format, the National Times does not have to worry about the economy. It can continue to deliver the news due to the low cost of providing stories online. That means readers will not have to worry about saying goodbye to the publication. They will be able to form a long term relationship with the paper and continue to use it as the source for news around the US.

To find out what is happening in the world today, visit the National Times at

The National Times was created by author and journalist Jay Waitkus. Waitkus updates his newspaper every Friday with news from around the United States. The newspaper does not play partisan politics. It offers news that is completely down the middle and allows the readers to make up their own minds.(
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Amy Cox
The National Times
119 Middlefield Drive
Canton, MS 39046
[email protected]

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