Outpatient Holistic Mental Health Treatment Services from Integrative Psychiatry


Sarasota, FL ( Pressabout ) – December 20, 2007 – Integrative Psychiatry Inc., a mental health wellness company offering both holistic and traditional approaches to mental health treatment, has expanded their services by launching Integrative Psychiatry.Net, What makes Integrative Psychiatry. Inc unique is their approach to mental health treatment, namely, Integrative Psychiatry looks for the underlying causes of mental health disorders rather than prescribing medications that merely treat the symptoms, as is common with traditional psychiatric services.

“Traditional medicine in Psychiatry has historically focused on the treatment of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and panic attacks primarily with medication. Little is done to determine the underlying cause of the imbalance.” states the Integrative Psychiatry website. This, amongst other innovative measures such as “neurotransmitter testing, e-health visits and telephone consultations”, is what makes Integrative Psychiatry. Inc a much needed outlet for patients in need of mental health treatment services today.

Even though Integrative Psychiatry’s office is located in Sarasota, Florida, out of state residents have the ability to receive mental health consultation and treatment from a licensed and board certified mental health practitioner though Integrative Psychiatry’s e-health visits program. Considering itself an “outpatient treatment center”, Integrative Psychiatry. Inc offers mental health evaluation services and consultation on location, though telephone, fax and email.

As stated on the Integrative Psychiatry website: “We believe in improving patient access to care, [which] you may not be able to get in your area therefore we offer e-Health visits from the convenience of your home with our licensed practitioner.” By taking this approach, Integrative Psychiatry opens up availability for proper mental health care even in rural areas or areas lacking proper mental health facilities.

About Integrative Psychiatry. Inc

Owned and operated by Valerie Balandra ARNP, BC and located in Sarasota, Florida, Integrative Psychiatry Inc. offers natural and traditional treatments to mental health disorders from a licensed and board certified psychiatric practitioner. In addition to on-site outpatient treatment, Integrative Psychiatry Inc. offers natural products, supplements and tests for diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders through their website. They have also formulated their own neurotransmitter support product “Brain Balance”. To find out more about Integrative Psychiatry Inc., visit their website: http://www.integrativepsychiatry.net.


Integrative Psychiatry Inc.
[email protected]
3392 Magic Oak Lane
Sarasota, Florida 34232
Phone: CONTACT PHONE 941 371-7997
Website: http://www.integrativepsychiatry.net


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By intpsy