Parents via Egg Donation, Conceptual Options and Bambino Village Welcome Newborn Babies with Heirloom Quilts Stitched With Love


Marna Gatlin of Parents via Egg Donation felt strongly that there needed to be some way to reach out to parents who have created their families through egg donation, to show support, caring, and to let these parents know that regardless of what path they chose to build their family, PVED was with them every step of the way – what better way to honor their child with a handmade quilt and a lovely children’s book authored by Kim Noble, another PVED mother, about third party reproduction.

Portland, OR, April 25, 2011 — Let’s face it, there is nothing easy about infertility. The pain we often feel throughout this journey is extraordinary, with many peaks as well as valleys. Marna Gatlin of Parents via Egg Donation felt strongly that there needed to be some way to reach out to parents who have created their families through egg donation, to show support, caring, and to let these parents know that regardless of what path they chose to build their family, PVED was with them every step of the way – what better way to honor their child with a handmade quilt and a lovely children’s book authored by Kim Noble, another PVED mother, about third party reproduction.

“There’s nothing better than to hear the joy in a parent’s voice when he/she calls to tell me that their quilt arrived and finally a bit of normalcy has been felt after their long trek through the often overwhelming and painful process of infertility. All this positive emotion from something as simple as baby quilt.” says Marna. “That makes me happy.”

Theresa Erickson from Conceptual Options and Erickson Law partnered with Parents via Egg Donation to kick off this pilot program which is just one of many PVED’s outreach programs.

Theresa Erickson states “I am honored to be involved with PVED’s Quilt Program, as it serves to place a comforting touch on those who have had to had to turn to an egg donor to help create their child. As one quilt recipient told me, “Having a healthy baby is more than I can possibly ask for in life. The quilt just made it a little nicer.”

Bambino Village has partnered with Parents via Egg Donation to supply these wonderful heirloom quilts for the special babies born to our PVED parents. The quilts are handmade and every stitch is filled with joy and love for each unique recipient. Bambino Village owner Ida Gatlin, custom quilter, says “We at Bambino Village feel this is a beautiful endeavor that Parents Via Egg Donation is making for their parents and is a great way to welcome new babies into the world! We are happy to have the opportunity to partner with PVED.”

Marna Gatlin founded PVED in 2008 as a global resource for unbiased, timely and accurate information about egg donation, eliminating the need to search multiple sources and websites. It has grown into a thriving community of individuals, clinics, donor agencies, and other professionals united around egg donation. Its membership includes traditional intended parents as well as single and same-sex couples, all seeking support so they can make informed decisions about the process.

Contact Parents Via Egg Donation by visiting the web site at or contact Marna Gatlin at [email protected] or call 503.987.1433. As a 501(c) (3), your tax-deductible contribution will enable you to become an integral part of PVED’s important work of educating the public in the field of egg donation and infertility.
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Marna Gatlin
Parents Via Egg Donation Organization
Portland, OR
[email protected]

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By arun