Park Avenue Smart Lipo Offers Advanced Laser Liposuction for a More Attractive Body Contour


Park Avenue Smart Lipo™, a leading plastic surgery practice based in Manhattan, New York City offers advanced laser liposuction that ensures patients a beautiful body contour. The center makes use of the latest Smartlipo technology, which is the Smartlipo Triplex. Our highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeons offer the liposuction surgery for men and women of different age groups. The center is AAAASF accredited.

Many Advantages with Laser Liposuction Using Smartlipo Triplex

The Smartlipo Triplex system offers several benefits:

  • Minimally invasive
  • Reduced bleeding and bruising
  • Regulated and reliable energy delivery
  • Effective skin tightening capabilities
  • Less treatment time
  • Suitable for treating both small and large amounts of fat deposits
  • Fat can be extracted from these areas – face, chin, hips, abdomen, thighs, male breasts, knees, inner and outer thighs, upper arms, mons pubis, and so on.

The SmartLipo Triplex system has three wavelengths. When the 1064 nm wavelength is combined with the 1440 nm wavelength, there is a great absorption of fatty tissue. When the 1064nm wavelength is combined with the 1320 nm wavelength, there is easy destruction of fatty tissue with minimal downtime. The system has advanced delivery systems – ThermaGuide, SmartSense, and ThermaView. They contribute to making the liposuction procedure truly safe.

You Can Get the Information You Require at the Initial Consultation

When you come for an initial consultation to Park Avenue Smart Lipo™, your plastic surgeon would provide all details about the liposuction procedure, its possible risks and complications, pre- and post- operative care.

About Park Avenue Smart Lipo™

The Park Avenue Smart Lipo™ plastic surgery group primarily focuses on Smartlipo laser liposuction surgery to help patients effectively achieve their desired aesthetic goals. The center is Cynosure’s only Manhattan training center. You can get more information about the center from our website

Park Avenue Smart Lipo
128 Central Park South,
New York, NY 10019
Phone – 2122652724

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Park Avenue Smartlipo
By Park Avenue Smartlipo