Pay Per Click Agency Claims Google Advertising Is The Answer For Struggling Retailers


With high street retailers fearful of poor Christmas sales and an increasing number going bust Open Eye Marketing, an innovative SEO and pay per click agency, suggests savvy retailers can prosper by turning their attention away from the high street and onto the web.

Ivybridge, Devon, UK, November 25, 2008 — For a number of years there has been an interesting trend that occurs at this time of year in the retail industry. High street sales report record falls in Christmas sales whilst online sales break new highs every year. Despite the worlds current financial problems there is no indication that this year’s online sales figures will buck the trend.

Andy Maclean, MD of pay per click agency, Open Eye Marketing says: “Last year some of our clients were receiving thousands of pounds worth of orders even on Christmas Day and we have certainly had an increasing percentage of our clients tell us that whilst their brick and mortar shops might be quiet at the moment their sales via their websites have rarely if ever been as good.”

The ’pay per click’ medium which allows business to advertise on Google and receive high volume, targeted traffic to their websites on a pay per visitor basis is enabling many small retailers to compete with the biggest brand names and in effect take some of their market share. Andy Maclean says: “There’s no doubt that many of our clients and other retailers who utilise the web effectively are thriving at the moment. Google advertising is a powerful sales tool for those wishing to survive and prosper in the current times as it offers a relatively low cost and viable way of generating new sales that more traditional advertising cannot match.”

Undoubtedly an increasing number of shoppers prefer the ease and comfort of shopping from their pc’s. The general public is also much more sophisticated in their browsing and searching behaviour online and will often find low priced items that are cheaper than even significantly discounted high street prices because the online retailer doesn’t have to pass on so many ‘real world’ overheads.

Many gloomy retailers this year would be well advised to think about their online strategy as a way of getting back to more prosperous times.

Andy Maclean
Pay Per Click
Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9PR
United Kingdom
0800 298 4313
[email protected]


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By arun