Picking The Right Nursing School In California


The list of leading nursing schools in California symbolizes a roll call of the finest programs from anywhere in the world. From widely-regarded programs at exclusive public universities like UCLA and University of California, San Francisco, to excellent private universities such as Kaplan College and University of Phoenix, to a myriad of excellent community junior colleges, the Golden State gives prospective nurses an assortment of exceptional-quality choices that may accommodate just about any schedule, budget and occupational aspiration.

Selecting the Top Nursing Schools in California

For almost any future RN, BSN, or MSN, moving through the directory of nursing programs throughout California is usually overwhelming. To help make the task quite a bit easier, you need to identify some common criteria on which every school might be judged.

As a rule, to list on the list of very best nursing colleges, its course has to satisfy the following conditions:

. Maintain an official certification from the State Board of Registered Nursing, or other applicable organization
. In excess of 70% of graduates will need to pass the NCLEX exam with their first try
. The program will have a good standing in the community

Any university that is able to fulfill each of these requirements is more than likely worth an applicant’s interest. With that said, you’ll find additional factors that should also be looked at in advance of enrolling in a school.

Things to Consider About Nursing Colleges

Besides the previously mentioned details concerning a school’s certification status, there are a number of other significant things to take into account when picking the right nursing school for you personally. Although the other set of requirements is handy for figuring out how beneficial a degree obtained from an institution is going to be, the below considerations will help you figure out how good the training program is for you personally:

. Can I fulfill the program’s prerequisites for entry?
. Can I pay for the school’s tuition or do I qualify for financial help?
. Does the training program concentrate on the field of nursing that interests me?
. Does the school have class times which agree with my schedule?

The responses to these types of concerns will help the student further pare down the list of colleges evaluated until just a small number remains.

Are you looking to find even more about the nursing programs online? Make sure to visit the author’s blog!

About the author

By AylaWard