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Pigeon Control In Our Cities

There was a time when there was no pigeon control. The only controls was screaming, shouting and throwing them with stones. This hardly helped because once these birds get settled in an area, it is hard to get rid of them. Because the pigeon is one the most intelligent animals, they quickly realise that this pose no real danger to them. Imagine what it would be like walking into a stadium and the seats are full of bird droppings.

Pigeons breed all year round and lay two eggs at a time. The young can breed within a year of its life this can lead to over population, if food is readily available and breeding opportunities exist.

They are also the carriers of various diseases that are harmful to humans. It is difficult to contain these diseases because the birds cover great distances, spreading the diseases where ever they go. Good care and safety measures should be taken when cleaning bird droppings as it contains numerous parasites and diseases.

Pigeon droppings is high on uric acid that can discolour paint, stain wood, erode metal and even crumble concrete over time. This poses a big problem to building owners. The droppings not only spoil the appearance of the building but can pose a threat to the building structure. There are also huge financial losses when food in warehouses gets contaminated by pigeons.

At first people were employed to shoot the birds but was very difficult due to its maneuverability. This practice was quickly stopped by environmentalist. When the bird control industry was first introduced it came as a welcome relieve to all being affected. The industry boomed because people were desperate to get rid of the pigeons.

There are different methods to control birds but before embarking on any bird control activity it is advised to consult the bird control law in your region or country. Pigeon proofing were introduced by making an area inhabitable for pigeons. Repellents were also introduced this discourage the birds from landing on flat services. The Peregrine Falcon is the natural predator of the pigeon and is reintroduced into towns as natural predators.

As much as pigeons are a pest to most people other people are making a fortune with them, using them as racing pigeons. They are also sold for huge amounts of money. The ability of the pigeon to see colors, ultra violet light and their endurance abilities they were used on sea rescue missions to search for survivors. In earlier years they were also used as messengers. In England the birds were carried to the football games to carry game results home. They were even awarded medals by the French and British government for their roles as messengers in the war.

Any kind of pigeon control is welcomed by some people as they see the pigeon as a pest that needs to be terminated. Others believe that the problem lies not with the pigeon but with humans. They believe that there are more preventive actions that can be taken to prevent overpopulation of pigeons.

Are you looking to find more information on the most cost effective guaranteed Pigeon Control? Visit our website to find out more! So what are you hesitating? Visit our website to find out where you can find the best cost effective guaranteed invisible Pigeon Control to keep pigeons away.

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