Pink Minnow Helping Local Businesses Achieve Higher Search Engine Rankings!



If you own or conduct business as an entrepreneur, small business owner, mom-and-pop shop, start-up or a home-based operator within the Richmond, VA area, you’d be pleasantly surprised with Pink Minnow’s efforts towards helping you achieve high rankings in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

The SEO Company in Richmond, which believes that most people use the internet, not the Yellow Pages, when looking for a product or service, is announcing that they are now offering an affordable SEO entry-level marketing service that’s designed to help local businesses increase their search engine rankings and bolster traffic to their websites.

“There’s no doubt that small businesses can grow exponentially when their websites achieve better rankings in the search engines,” said Matt Sanner, Owner of Pink Minnow.

He also believes that SEO marketing is a cost-effective remedy to relieving the pain point of “no visitors” to the website or “my website isn’t coming up” experience most online businesses suffer.

“Benefits such as higher rankings, more traffic to the website, and more customers mean much better exposure,” said Matt, whose SEO (search engine optimization) services, social media marketing strategies, promise to help raise the profiles of local businesses with increased exposure.

“Effective SEO marketing also help establishes credibility when people research for you or your company and find you on the front page of Google,” he added.

No matter the benefit to be derived from the brand of SEO service Pink Minnow offers, according to Matt, the bottom line is that they “help websites get found in the search engines that get results.”

Pink Minnow, whose approach to keyword research in determining highly-searched words and phrases are based on its careful analysis of each client’s industry, boast an image of a little fish in a big pond being highly noticed.

“In fact, the whole concept of a pink minnow is to be a small fish that stands out in a big pond,” noted Matt, who initially started Pink Minnow to address his own Internet Marketing sites SEO concerns, but eventually discovered the satisfaction of using his own SEO marketing strategies to help other companies achieve greater marketing exposure and a success.

For further information, please contact:

Matt Sanner
Pink Minnow
Phone: 804-419-6537
E-mail: [email protected]
Websites: /
Business Mailing Address: 14521 Aldengate Road, Midlothian, VA 23114

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By keyrobert22