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Plan an Overall Work Schedule for Writing Your Dissertation on Time

Do not panic!

Your extended essay might seem like it might take you ages to complete it, but you can divide your extended essay in to different tasks.

Make a schedule for doing your thesis, to help you effectively completely your project in time!

If you are writing your dissertation for the first time, you would not probably know how to time every chapter so that you complete it on time. But this is the only best way – make a time table! Divide your thesis and research work in to small tasks and fit them into your daily routine. This will keep your interest in the project without any wastage of time.

Plan an overall work schedule

1.Divide your extended essay into small tasks and start from the last chapter so that you can time your tasks properly.

2.Literature review is the lengthiest of all chapters and takes the most time. Divide this chapter efficiently so that no section or detail is left out. Concentrate on any one focal point each day. In this way you would not miss any important detail.

3.Methodology is the most difficult chapter of all. The best way to complete this chapter is to make notes while you are doing your research. Make notes of all the references and the sources of information that you are referring. This will make it easier for you to sum up all the work in the end.

4.Identify and make a list of all the used primary sources

5.Categorize secondary sources, if suitable

6.It is recommended that you write as you go along with your research. This will not let any point slip out of your mind.

7.Systematize and evaluate your material

8.Double check your writing to make sure there are no mistakes in the context

Do a small amount on a regular basis

In your schedule you must mention exactly when you are going to start implementing on it. Doing a little research and writing everyday will keep the tasks spicy.

When you are feeling your best, do the most difficult of tasks at that time. This will make the writing up dissertation process cheerful and less difficult. And keep the less difficult tasks for when you are feeling exhausted and less motivated.


Even if you miss on some task at any time, you must have extra time to cover up for the left out work. Manage your time very smartly.

Scheduling your extended essay will give you less work and more time every day. This will keep your spirits high and keep you motivated. But make sure that you start your project much before your deadline so that in the end you have enough time to proof read your work several times.

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