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Porch Swings Getting More Use As Temperatures Fall

August 15, 2011

As the temperatures go down and it is getting nicer and easier to head outside, porch swings are seeing much more use this season.

People are taking the opportunity to step outside, get away from the technology, and enjoy the cool air and the great outdoors. Sitting out on the porch swing almost seems like a lost art, something that old folks do. However, it seems that increasingly, Baby Boomers are taking the time to sit outside, as it offers them a reprieve from the usual hustle and bustle of their daily lives.

But why do we do this? What is the allure of sitting on the porch swing? It probably has something to do with our desire just to sit back and enjoy life without the noise of technology, even if for just a second.

Also, we enjoy it because it lets us see what is going on around us – who is driving by, what the neighbor’s lawn looks like these days, etc. There is a bit of a social component here as well.

A new site – – give us some more insight into what goes on at the porch swing and how we can best enjoy it. It also gives advice on purchasing a porch swing as well as repairing one if your model happens to get damaged. The site is light on content at the moment, but it does look as if content is being added on a daily basis, so it should be full of helpful articles over the next few days.

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