Preparing For Final Battle Against Multiple Myeloma, Lisa Urges Fans to Support Her Films


December 22, 2009: In her recent blog for her own ‘Yellow Diaries’, and before going for the final phase of her stem transplant treatment for Multiple Myeloma, Lisa Ray has requested her fans to support her films and buy the DVDs. She has a keen desire to continue working on interesting and enlightening film projects, provided that her fans keep supporting her in this journey by buying the films.
Lisa Ray has just been admitted to hospital for a gruelling stem cell transplant treatment. The procedure began by releasing her own stem cells into her blood, and then collecting them to freeze, she said. Calling it a ‘reboot’ of her system, she said the process would take up to three weeks to complete, with an expected 3 months’ recovery.
Earlier this year, at the age of 37, Lisa Ray was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (MM), which is a rare and incurable cancer of the plasma cells of the blood. Showing tremendous courage and an unfailingly positive attitude, the actress has been blogging regularly on her Yellow Diaries blogspot to create public awareness about Multiple Myeloma and the recent medical advances made in this treatment.
Through her blog, Lisa has showed her gratitude towards her fans and supporters for showering her with love and generosity, ever since she began the Yellow Diaries. She also wrote about her inspirational working experience with Shamim Sarif and Hanan Kattan of Enlightenment Productions on two of her recent films, I Can’t Think Straight and The World Unseen and said that she would love to work with them in the future.
“Please do not illegally download the films into which Shamim, Hanan, Sheetal and I have poured our creative energies.” Lisa said. “Purchase The World Unseen and I Can’t Think Straight from the Enlightenment website and you will be supporting not just the films we created, but future film projects made with passion and integrity”. Lisa added that if people keep watching their films for free, than the artists will not be able to sustain financially and, it will be difficult to make more films like these. With this statement, Lisa Ray has addressed a wider issue for independent filmmakers in a world increasingly used to free downloads.

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