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Private Financing Company Announces Affiliation with Hawkesbury Based Lender

BHM Financial Group, a privately owned financing company specializing in secured bad credit loans is announcing their new affiliation with The Petty Cash, a small consumer loan provider located in Hawkesbury, Ontario. As a result of this new relationship, in addition to their standard loans and services, The Petty Cash is now able to offer larger, more flexible, secured loans to individuals with bad credit or no credit.

Molly Wider explained the reason behind this new affiliation, “The Petty Cash is a reputable small lender that until now was not able to offer the large amounts that BHM is able to offer. Because The Petty Cash is now offering financing through BHM everyone wins; the client is able to get larger loans with more flexible repayment terms regardless of their credit rating, The Petty Cash gains the business they might have otherwise lost due to not having the capability of offering these types of loans, and BHM gains the added business brought in by the repeat business of a trusted local lender.” She continues, “People know and trust their local lenders and we are extremely pleased to be able to offer our services through The Petty Cash. Through them, we are able to offer the one on one service that we at BHM were previously unable to offer since we were solely internet based.”

In the past, payday lenders were only able to advance small sums, amounting to only a percentage of the client’s paycheque. In addition, repayment was due on the client’s payday with little flexibility in repayment terms. Now, due to its affiliation with BHM, The Petty Cash will be able to offer loans between $1,000 to $10,000 with flexible repayment terms anywhere from 1 to 4 years in length. These new loans are called car-title loans and they are primarily given to individuals who cannot attain financing through standard financial institutions due to bad credit or no credit. The loans are secured based on the value of the borrower’s vehicle and because of this security, the loans are awarded regardless of the borrower’s credit rating.

The Petty Cash will continue to offer all of the loans and services they previously offered & will simply add BHM’s car-title loans to their offerings. BHM assures that The Petty Cash’s clients will observe the same fast and easy loan process as they have always experienced. Car-title loans can be approved in hours and funded in less than 24 hours and the process can all be completed at The Petty Cash’s Hawkesbury, Ontario location.

BHM Financial Group is expanding throughout Canada and is currently accepting the registration of additional affiliates. For more information about the affiliate program, or BHM Financial’s car-title loans, they can be found on the web at For information on loans provided by The Petty Cash, the company be contacted by phone at 613-632-2270.

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