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Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA: Homeowners who have struggled to make their monthly payments on their homes during the financial crisis are being helped by a law firm that specializes in offering loan modification.

The American Residential Law Group is committed to helping citizens who are wary of such schemes. As many as three quarters of the loan modification schemes available are scams, and the law group is committed to making sure those in genuine need are receiving the legitimate help they require.

The founder of the American Residential Law Group, Joel Jacobi, is also the lead loan modification attorney for the company. He is keen to point out that loan modification is a legitimate way to move forward if a homeowner has previously failed to make one or more mortgage payments.

“People simply need to be sure they have found a legitimate company, such as the American Residential Law Group, to help them,” says Joel. “A trusted and reputable attorney will ensure they can secure a mortgage rate reduction to help them stay in their property instead of losing it. It can make all the difference if they are struggling to make their monthly payments or they have fallen into arrears.”

The American Residential Law Group takes time to examine the personal situation of every potential client they see. Every aspect of their financial situation and ability to pay will be looked at before the best solution for that client is reached and submitted to the lender.

“Even if foreclosure has been mentioned it is still possible to prevent this,” adds Joel. “Many major lenders will consider loan modification so it is well worth finding out if it could work in your situation.”

The company has helped many people avoid foreclosure and get back on their financial feet again by creating re-capitalization agreements. These take into account all the arrears outstanding as well as the remaining capital amount and any other outstanding payments as well. The lender benefits by receiving regular agreed payments from the homeowner again, while the homeowner benefits by not having any more arrears. They may also benefit from smaller monthly payments, depending on the deal that is reached with the lender.

As such loan modification as provided by a reputable law group such as that run by Joel Jacobi is a practical solution for those who find themselves in financial difficulties with their homes. Each customer is treated as an individual with a unique situation, and this means they will receive tailor made care and attention, making it more likely a suitable outcome will be reached for everyone.

The American Residential Law Group is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The company has over twelve years of experience in various areas of law, including loan modification. Their website is at More information about all their services can be found here.

To find out more about how loan modification could help you, contact Joel Jacobi on (877) 236-6576. Alternatively visit to send an email via their website.

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