Properties of honey


During the course of history using items such as honey, has meant to the people a very important aspect in food, because this has the qualities that make an excellent companion for a myriad of preparations very beneficial to our health; for it in the next article we will focus on showing the properties of honey and give some good recommendations to include this natural element in our diets. Honey is a natural food from the bees, this is characterized by its sweet taste and large amounts the same element, and honey sticks to other sugary foods because of their great contributions to human energy, it is ranked as the most energizing exists today as it has a large number of sugars in its composition, including glucose sticks . Today as food disciplines have included honey in their preparations not only for their benefit but also for its pleasant taste. It’s important to note that the adequacy of the honey in a healthy and balanced diet can lead to significant benefits including:

• To facilitate digestion.

• Allow for easy assimilation of minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are very important for bone health.

• Serves as a detoxifier.

• It is a very good sexual stimulant.

• It stimulates the formation of antibodies.

• Stimulates production of red blood cells.

• Serves to reduce the presence of fatigue and physical exhaustion.

• Protects the nervous system center.

• Helps to improve physical performance, particularly in those athletes.

• Regulates bowel function.

• Contributes to the treatment of ailments such as laryngitis and the flu.

• Serves as an antidepressant.

• It is very important for the body as is antihemorrhagic, anti-anemic, emollient and febrifuge.

• Decreases the presence of diseases such as heartburn and gastritis. Although today, and because large studies can be attributed to honey other important benefits to the body, the above are as just some good examples of the most important. It is very important to mention when talking about the honey application in the treatment of epidermal ailments such as rashes, redness and allergic reactions, not to mention the injuries, because it serves largely to these events thanks to its use as an antibody and its benefits to grow faster internal tissue of the skin. It is noteworthy that honey also has important aesthetic properties, since it is also considered one of the best scrubs today, without mention that in turn gives the skin a smooth hard to match.

As the above shows that honey is not only full of qualities element for our body, but also for our physical, not to mention the natural origin this element are the same one of the best options for food without giving your body the evil or created synthetic foods. So now no excuse to stop eating honey, if we know the benefits it brings to our being.

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