Proven Advantages of tea Tree Oil


Tea tree oil often known as Australian tea tree oil, Melaleuca oil and the Latin name is Melaleuca alternifolia. An essential oil like tea tree is obtained by distilling the leaves with steam and this plant is a natural plant from Australia.Decades ago a tea was developed from the leaves of the tree and therefore the oil was named tea tree. The leaf is the part that contains all its medicinal benefits. Why is this oil quite popular? This tree has had traditional and medicinal usages for several years by the aboriginals of Australia.

The aboriginal people widely used the tea tree leaves for healing burns, infection and skin abrasions by crushing fresh leaves and applying the leaves to the affected area. And since the tea tree has terpenoids, it possess antifungal and antispetic properties. The oil from the tea trees antimicrobial activity is a compound of the terpinen-4-ol which is rich in the leaves.

Tea tree oil can be used for many health problems like dandruff, thrush, acne, vaginitis, boils, periodontal disease, and athlete’s foot along with eczema, yeast infections, lice and psoriasis. The oil of the tea tree is made up into a pure essential oil and is also an extra ingredient in ointments, shampoos, lotions, soaps and creams. One needs to be aware that tea tree is not the same as niauouli oil, ti tree oil, Chinese tea oil, kanuka oil, cajeput oil and manuka oil.

The effectiveness of teas tree oil have been examined by many researchers. They have designed a study wherein people have utilized 50% and 25% solution and a placebo for their athlete’s foot. The solutions were put on the feet two times a day and after four weeks, the effect of the solution is drastically better than that of placebo.

In fact, 50% of the people who have utilized tea tree oil have been cured. However, there are four people who had dermatitis during the study and the symptoms have improved after discontinuing the oil. No other side effects introduced in this trial.

Another trial was performed on people suffering from fungal infections of the toenails.Within this study, there are people who used 100% of the solution while the controls widely used a topical antifungal which has 1% clotrimazole solution.After six months, it has been established that the oil solution in significantly more efficient than the anti fungal solution as in accordance with the toneil cultures and other scientific features.

Many clinical trials have been carried out making use of tea tree oil and all these trials have proved that tea tree absolutely has healing properties. Nevertheless, there is one study which demonstrated that the oil have an effect on hormone levels taking into consideration the fact that there are male subjects that experienced bigger breasts. People that have cancer, pregnant or nursing and have hormone sensitivity should not use the oil from tea tree.

Lavender World is the new on the internet shopping shop which offers everything a selection of
tea tree essential oil. This month, sees the making of the new array of tea tree essential oil.

For more information visit

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By paulliant