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Provoke Solutions appointed to panel of Government professional web service providers

Provoke is delighted to confirm that they have been appointed to the panel of web service providers for the Government?s Common Web Services (CWS) syndicated procurement contract.

The call for a panel of web professional service suppliers stemmed from a survey of government agencies that identified over 40 web projects completed in the 2010/11 financial year alone, and that a more cohesive and consistent approach was required to address this vital element of government operations.

This cross-government initiative led by the Department of Internal Affairs, will provide the eligible agencies with a mechanism to quickly identify and engage with preferred suppliers who can provide specialist expertise that is not available internally. The anticipated benefits include the streamlining of the procurement process, reducing costs for both Government and suppliers, and the freeing up of departmental resources that can be switched to improving web content and deploying new functionality. It is also expected that re-using services from panel-appointed suppliers will mean improved compliance with web standards and a faster delivery time on web projects.

Provoke was invited onto the panel in particular recognition of their expertise as Information Architects and Usability Advisors. Provoke Wellington General Manager Rob Old says, ?Our team are market leaders in designing online solutions to today?s business challenges. Our pedigree in user-centred design means that we understand how people browse and search for information and can design solutions to optimise both the user experience and performance. We also understand how business needs change over time and how web solutions need to grow, morph and be sustainable.?

?Provoke has a long history of delivering great web solutions to government departments and agencies. Our recent work includes significant projects for the likes of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the New Zealand Fire Service and the Ministry of Transport so we have a strong understanding of the Public Sector and its needs and objectives,? says Old. ?We?re truly pleased to have been appointed to this panel. It validates the high level of commitment we?ve made to both working with the Government, and to consistently delivering world-class web solutions.?

More detailed information on the Common Web Services initiative can be viewed at


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