Publicist Cheryl Bunkley Signs Troy Boy International CEO Troy Campbell



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Cheryl Bunkley
(404) 684-6000
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Publicist Cheryl Bunkley Signs Troy Boy International CEO Troy Campbell
Campbell’s life story “Ghetto Renaissance” Now Showing On BET J

Publicist Cheryl Bunkley recently signed community activist and business leader, Troy Campbell

Campbell is the Founder and CEO of Troy Boy International — a non-profit organization based in Compton, California that specializes in corporate leadership training, strategic planning and professional development.

In addition, the organization also has a separate community relations division that places special emphasis on gang activity intervention — a subject that Campbell knows all too well. As a former gang member, Campbell knows first hand about the dangers of gang-related activity.

Campbell’s entry into gang life started early. By age 13 he had led a dangerous dance with crime. By his late teens, the dance led to incarceration. By his early 20s, he received the ultimate redemption – success that provided a peace of mind not found in the temporary joy of street hustling. After obtaining two college degrees, Campbell solidified a coveted place in education. As a high school teacher, counselor, pastor and administrator, Campbell was able to work with those who are shaping the present: Teens.

As part of Troy Boy’s commitment to community outreach, Campbell recently completed production on “Ghetto Renaissance”, a film short that chronicles his life story and is currently being shown on BET J.

“By using this film as a platform, I am able to take my own life experiences and use them as an example to show teens that regardless of your past history, you can still lead a productive and prosperous life”, says Campbell

Campbell is also committed to helping teens discover and develop their gifts. As President of Troy Boy International, Campbell works with students and educators to ensure academia remains at the forefront of contemporary value systems.

“I am very excited about the opportunity to work with Troy. The Troy Boy organization has many new projects slated for launch this year, and I am honored that they chose me to be a part of their team”, says Bunkley.

To learn more about Troy Boy International, visit

About the author

By cherylbunkley