New Quit Smoking Device That Helps Smokers Lose Weight At Same Time


A new quit smoking device has been released to help smokers not only quit smoking, but also to lose weight. The Solar Cigarette CEO has created a new health pack for smokers to stay committed to quit smoking and also get their much needed vitamins.

Smokers not only have to battle to try to quit smoking. Their is a fear that a smoker will gain weight after quitting. Solar Cigarette, CEO Markus Skupeika researched and developed a new quit smoking device which not only helps you quit smoking, but also by adding a vitamin pack you will get your much needed vitamins and dietary supplements.

The quit smoking device is the Solar Cigarette which is a new 2nd generation electronic cigarette.

With this new device, smokers can attach vitamin pack cartridges to help lose weight and get their daily intake of vitamins. The studies have been shocking at the amount of weight loss that has happened. Now celebrities are using the solar cigarette to quit smoking in less than 3 months. You can read the full report below:

“Exciting news from the CEO of Solar Cigarette. A new health pack has been developed. This means while you are quitting smoking with the new Solar Cigarette. You will be able to lose the extra pounds in the process.”

“The CEO, Markus explains the new health packs:”

“I have been chatting with our clients and although they are successful at stopping smoking regular cigarettes. I had some feedback that smokers next goals were to cut the weight.”

“So rather then our client going and trying to find one of the many miracle cures on weight loss that is out their. Solar Cigarette was researching and developing for the past year on a new health pack. The Solar Cigarette Health Pack will help smokers lose weight and quit smoking all at once. It’s truly amazing innovation and we are now releasing this to our clients who try our Solar Cigarette Starter Kit.”

“It brings great satisfaction to hear our clients conversations with their smoking buddies and success with the Solar Cigarette.”

“What we are doing for smokers has never been done before.”

“First I want to stress what I felt other businesses were doing that just “ticked me off!”.”

“We had customers call us explaining the horrible business practices of some of the competitors. It truly pissed me off to see how customers are treated from our competitors. But… in a way this motivated the Solar Cigarette team to be the best at just being an honest smoking buddy to clients.”

“We are not hear to pitch or sell anything. We are here to just help.”

“Here Is Why So Many Of Our Clients Love What We Do:”

– WE DON’T force our clients into crazy subscriptions. we let customer choose.

– WE DON’T have horrible billing practices, we explain our prices very clearly

– WE DON’T make it hard for customers to reach us… and speak to machines

– WE DON’T try to get the sale and then forget about customers…

“I can go on and on… but I want smokers to make the final decision. We just want to help smokers quit. My mother was a smoker and I have many family members that all use our Solar Cigarette. So if your a customer of the Solar Cigarette, your considered family.”


Read the rest of the story on the new electronic cigarette that helps you lose weight.

As for the case study on the weight loss, Solar Cigarette has posted results and how smokers can use the new electronic cigarette to achieve their goals.

Read the Case Study on Overweight Smoker to GQ:

Hi this is Logan from Solar Cigarette and I wanted to share a great story from one of our clients, I feel really puts in perspective what our newest “Vapor Plus 2nd Generation Solar Cigarette” can do for you. But rather than get up on my soap box and tell you… I wanted one of our clients to share his story.

From Overweight Social Smoker To GQ

“When we first started building our 1st generation device, we found smokers loved it. But we wanted to help people live an even healthier life. So Markus and the crew at Solar Cigarette went to the board room…. came up with ideas. And then went to all of the customers, family, and friends and asked them what they wanted. The story you see below, was a case study we did with Erik. It is life changing… and we are soooo proud to have him commit to the change while using our Solar Cigarette.”

“Interviewer: Thanks for joining us, Do you mind telling us a little bit about yourself before the Solar Cigarette? Some of the challenges you had with regular cigarettes before making the change to the “Solar Cigarette”.”

“Erik Reply: “I use to smoke Marlboro’s which were pretty harsh. I was also in a part of my life where I would smoke pretty heavily and wasn’t anywhere where I am today. Interviewer: Can you elaborate please? Yeah, sure. I was LAZZY! I smoked alot not really happy with myself, and just went through life with a cigarette and a lot of extra weight.”

Read the rest of the case study on how to avoid gaining weight while quit smoking.


Solar Cigarette offers dedicated smoking buddies to each client. This allows friendly support and a support pillar for smokers to say committed. They have made smoking buddies readily available and ask smokers to add them as a friend on facebook to get a sense of their inspirational support.

Be sure to check out their smoking buddy support page and signup for your free trial of the electronic cigarette starter kit.

About Solar Cigarette:
Developing new innovations to offer smokers a new healthier experience in smoking. It’s 2nd generation device claims to help quit smoking as well as lose weight with it’s new patent pending health pack. Now smokers can smoke and get their dietary supplements all at once.

Company Contact Information
Solar Cigarette
Logan Michaels
8050 N Nob Hill Rd
Phone : 954 678-1541

About the author

By [email protected]