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Radius Interactive releases PhysiPal, health calculator for iPhone. Available in Apple’s App Store.

Once purchased, PhyisPal users have access to unlimited calorie/kilojoule conversion, weight loss/gain calculator, body health information as well as hundred’s of health tips and “Motifications”. At the users’ convenience, they can quickly convert calories to kilojoules (or vice versa), see just how much of their favorite exercises it will take to burn those calories off and how much other food those calories are. Users can calculate how much weight they will gain or lose by not consuming (or not consuming!) those calories. The last key feature is “Motifications”, which allows PhysiPal to push motivational tips through to the user randomly between 6am and 6pm, daily, every two days, or weekly. Everyone wants to stay healthy and improve their health but there are several constraining factors that limit people in doing so – time, information and motivation. PhysiPal has been designed to provide the right information so everyone can manage their weight simply. ?People don?t have the time to track every calorie or kilojoule, so we wanted to make something that is easy to use so you can be aware of what your intaking on the go and get motivated to succeed?, said Matt Crombie, Radius Interactive Director. PhysiPal is now available in Apple?s App Store or by visiting . PhysiPal is only $2.99 in the U.S. which is priced accordingly in other regions. Please visit . for more PhysiPal information and screenshots of the App, or for more company information. Radius Interactive is an independent Australian company founded by Matt Crombie and David Burkett. Together Radius Interactive brings together over 15 years experience with technology development and customer service. The goal of Radius Interactive is to create personal solutions using the latest computing platforms. ###If you would like further information on PhysiPal or Radius Interactive, or you would like to schedule an interview, please contact: Matt Crombie or David Burkett, Director?s, Radius Interactive, Matt: + 61 419 500 715  David: +61 403 873 916 PRESS RELEASE© Copyright Radius Interactive Pty Ltd 2012

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