What can a Real Estate Lead Generation company do to guarantee your success?


A real estate lead generator is a service that connects motivated buyers with real estate investors.

Real Estate lead generation involves connecting with homeowners that are desperate or very motivated to sell their house now. WeHaveHomeLeads.com is a reputable real estate lead service and how they work is: motivated sellers contact them asking for help in finding an investor to buy their property.

The lead generation company (WeHaveHomeLeads.com) asks tons of questions and compiles detailed information regarding the seller’s situation, property, and mortgages and listing status. This is VERY helpful to investors because it saves them huge amounts of time. The investor not only doesn’t have to spend the time asking questions, the lead information also allows the investor to know their purchase strategy before ever speaking with the seller. We ALL know that TIME IS MONEY in business.
Once all the information is gathered a team of real estate lead professionals decide if the lead is quality and has enough equity to send to the subscribers. If so, the real estate leads are emailed to the subscribers in real time. If not, the leads are tossed and considered a waste of time. Endless amounts of time and potential profit are spent and wasted on marketing attempts to find real estate leads. A good real estate lead generator such as WeHaveHomeLeads.com guarantees quality leads in your area will be emailed to investors daily.

For most investors, it is a great idea to use a real estate lead generation service. It is equivalent to hiring an entire team of marketing and real estate lead qualifying professionals. This allows the investor a fixed monthly cost for marketing with a guarantee of success, more time to focus on closing deals and making more money!

I learned about this process by interviewing Art Smith co-owner of Wehavehomeleads.com. He warns that not all real estate lead generation companies have the same high standards as Wehavehomeleads.com.

WeHaveHomeLeads.com offers subscribers the most profitable real estate leads; enabling investors to make money that otherwise wouldn’t be possible without a steady influx of quality real estate leads. This service doesn’t even require a contract or long term commitment.

As an added bonus they also give clients (at no additional cost) a lead tracking and organization software. This “back end website” allows investors to access their personal lead information from anywhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Never again spend time keeping track of, or searching for, lost real estate lead info.

For more information on how you can succeed using this lead generation service, please visit www.wehavehomeleads.com.

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By wehomeleads1