Best Rear Projection TV Review Launched


A brief analysis on the best rear projection TVs sold online., has announced they are launching a new comparison on the most popular rear projection TVs available in online markets.

“The purpose of this review is to give possible customers the advantage to be able to find the information they want about rear projection TVs,” said Tomy Chadwick, founder. “Although these products are not very advertised they are a popular choice for people who want a big TV so we thought of a comparison published on our affiliate site.”

Chadwick wanted to emphasize that is in no way a part of the companies that appear on his website. He mentioned that this analysis is strictly targeted to refer potential customers to the products.

The review shows what buyers should be aware when they want to purchase a rear projection TV and also analyses the Samsung HL72A650 and the Mitsubishi WD-73737.

“Today’s rear projection TVs are all high definition displays and deliver great quality on sizes bigger the 42 inches in diagonal”

Tomy speaks about the important features that customers should take into consideration when analyzing different RPTVs. It describes the aspect ratio, the resolution, the viewing angle and also the video input types. “After reading this short analysis people should understand what is 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio, what 1080p resolution means, how viewing angle works and if video input types are of importance.” Tomy says.

After the introduction into the HDTV terms the review describes important aspects of the Samsung HL72A650 and the Mitsubishi WD-73737 and also gives us a few customer reviews.

It is mentioned that both of these models offer a display of 72 inches in diagonal respectively 73 inches, 1080p resolution (1920 by 1080 pixels) and are relatively small in size so they can be placed easily in almost any room.

The analysis on Samsung HL72A650 reveals that the model has a Cinema Smooth Light Engine which enhances the picture quality and also has the 3D Ready technology built in.

The comparison also mentions that the Mitsubishi WD-73737 “offers a vivid viewing experience in a 1080p resolution, 3D Ready using the Smooth 120Hz Film Motion technology which offers the best image even for the fastest scenes from games, sports or movies. For enhanced display, brighter colors and whiter whites this model also incorporates a 6-Color Processor that processes and produces images with six different colors, instead of traditional three.”

“The customer reviews are very positive and it makes it really hard to choose a model from these two HDTVs” Tomy Chadwick indicates.

For more information visit best rear projection TV.

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By cojoca23