As Recession Worsens More Companies Turning To Email Marketing


Atlanta, GA/January 12, 2009 – AIS Media announces that more companies are utilizing its Excerpo® Mail email marketing solution as the recession worsens worldwide. For most companies, email marketing provides a cost-efficient and results oriented way to market during the continuing economic downturn. AIS Media is finding that businesses of all sizes are turning to email marketing as results can be tracked in real time. At a cost of only about a penny per email sent versus the forty-two cents for a postal mail stamp, email marketing is a cost effective alternative to direct mail.

“Companies are finding increased benefits in email marketing during this steep economic decline,” said Thomas Harpointner, CEO of AIS Media. “Email allows companies to continue their marketing programs even during the worse of economic times in a way that allows them to trace lead generation and gives them a measured return on investment. It also levels the playing field for small and medium sized businesses.”

AIS Media’s Excerpo® Mail is available as a hosted Web-based application at a flat monthly fee, which enables users to avoid the high cost and hassle of implementing and maintaining server-based software. A key feature of Excerpo® Mail that marketers will find appealing is the ability to track results in real-time. This “ROI” feature of Excerpo® Mail distinguishes the program and provides a key service that many business owners seek in their marketing operations.

The term “excerpo” in Latin means to gather or bring together. Excerpo® Mail is the second in AIS Media’s brand of Excerpo® applications, following Excerpo® Storefront, a Web-based e-commerce and shopping cart system. To view a demo or to find out further information on Excerpo® Mail, visit:

Founded in 1997, AIS Media is an Internet marketing and web services company that provides businesses award-winning web site development, email marketing, lead generation, e-commerce and search engine marketing solutions. The company has developed a suite of Web-based applications under the proprietary “Excerpo” brand, which focuses on email marketing and e-commerce. AIS Media’s solutions are available directly and through its global network of certified partners. For more information, visit:


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By lpadgett