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Reduced OC3 Bandwidth Pricing is a Gift To US Businesses


Reduced OC3 Bandwidth Pricing is a Gift To US Businesses

With the growing demand for expanding communications and their technologies amongst the business communities nationwide, TopSavings.Net has entered into the bandwidth market with new additions of providers and pricing to answer the demands.

“Businesses right now are looking for reliability in their communications, they want to expand but are unable to afford the services necessary for such expansion,” stated Aaron Siegel, CEO and Chief Marketing Officer for the online company. “We want to be able to provide these companies the options they are looking for in these tough economic times, we kind of consider it our version of a stimulus bill.”

In order to open the doors to more businesses TopSavings.Net has decided to lower it’s pricing on 100 megabit OC3 fiber connectivity leasing by almost 50 percent a month. In addition to their pricing reduction to help businesses in the nation, they have also lessened the terms as far as contract time lines go.

“We are offering the monthly OC3 lease pricing with 1 year contracts as the minimum,” said Siegel. “We want to let these companies in, but we don’t want to smother them with a long term commitment. If the service is good, they will stay and we’re confident that we are building life long customers with our flexibility. We have confidence in our providers to uphold the quality our customers demand.”

When asked what providers the reduced pricing was intended for, Siegel declined to comment. “That information is confidential and on a per client need to know basis.”

TopSavings.Net is an online company that brokers bandwidth for voice and data services commercially to all sized businesses. The company has been online for nearly a decade and additionally offers residential communication products and services.

Aaron Siegel
Phone: (800) 959-3918

718 Marnell Ave.
Santa Cruz, CA


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