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Indian Harbour Beach, FL, USA: A new supplement is now available that helps people to lower their cholesterol naturally instead of resorting to manmade prescription medications.

The New Health Corporation has created a product called HeartSavior™ which has received positive testimonials from scores of users. HeartSavior’s natural herbal ingredients help lower cholesterol and reverse the aging process of the heart, two very important risk factors for heart disease. HeartSavior comes in easy to swallow capsule form, and when taken as directed, provide the benefits of lower cholesterol naturally and a more youthful heart..

Most people are aware that having too much cholesterol in their system can be a risk factor for heart attacks, heart trouble and strokes. But making conscious changes to reduce the amount of cholesterol they have isn’t always easy. Some people are also wary of taking tablets in any form that help protect their health.

This is why HeartSavior has been created. It consists of natural products that are carefully measured to provide the optimum amount on a daily basis. Over time a regular intake of HeartSavior can result in lowering cholesterol naturally by close to 20% on average with many people experiencing much greater reductions.. This has been proven in clinical research and customer experience.

The structure of plant sterols and stanols is similar to that of cholesterol, and because of this they help to reduce the amount of cholesterol that is absorbed into the system. The other ingredients block the production of cholesterol in the liver.

HeartSavior also includes Co-Q10. This is a form of enzyme that is typically much lower in concentration in people who suffer from heart disease. The fact that HeartSavior provides a daily dose of this enzyme in the capsules means that it could help to protect the heart further and prevent future problems from occurring.

The New Health Corporation, the company that has produced HeartSavior, has also created a product called LipidShield Plus. This has also been designed to reduce the amount of cholesterol people have in their systems, and it comes in handy caplet form. A 60 capslet bottle provides a thirty day supply.

HeartSavior has been created as an all round product that does more than just lower cholesterol naturally by using plant sterols, policosanol and stanols. Policosanol is included because of its ability to help block the production of cholesterol produced by the liver, helps lower triglycerides, and reduce the chances of blood clots forming, which can be fatal. It also provides other elements that help to give long term protection.

The websites for HeartSavior and LipidShield contain a lot more information and background behind both products. For anyone who is considering taking them on a regular basis, visiting the sites is a must. Every claim is fully referenced and documented to allow everyone to trace back and verify the information given.

HeartSavior has been created by the New Health Corp. They are based in Indian Harbour Beach, Florida. Their website for HeartSavior is at, and the website for LipidShield is at

To find out more information about HeartSavior and LipidShield you can visit the websites above or email the company at You can also phone direct on (877) 263-3555.

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