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Researchers Discover Cellucide Process For Fibromyalgia, Cancer and Degenerative Diseases

Nevada – There’s a struggle going on in your body right now as “good” probiotic commensal cells wage war against invading “bad” bacteria and pollutants. You and your body can be the winners—or the losers—of this ongoing warfare only if you nourish your body’s commensal cells with synbiotic nutrients.

Nearly ninety percent of your bodily cells are “friendly” commensal probiotic cells that die off in a cellucide process without synbiotic nourishment. Because of their remarkable benefits and safety, the probiotic and synbiotic nutrient concept has become the focus of intense scientific interest at major medical schools around the world. New findings are emerging so fast that Robert G. Martindale, MD, PhD of the Medical College of Georgia states, “The use of probiotics in the treatment of specific diseases has evolved into an extremely valuable option yet to be optimally used in clinical medicine.”

In a published study entitled “Synbiotic Control of Inflammation and Infection in Transplantation,” Stig Bengmark, MD, PhD, Department of Hepatology and Surgery, University College of London (UCL) states that synbiotics “have proven effective to reduce inflammation and infection…The supply of synbiotics to these patients is a documented effective tool to reduce the potentially pathogenic microorganism flora, eliminate potential toxins and mutagens, provide through fermentation numerous antioxidants and nutrients, and stimulate the innate immune system.” Recent studies suggest that inflammation can effectively be reduced in patients with chronic liver disease and inflammation and infection almost abolished just by uninterrupted—continuous—supplementation of synbiotics in connection with organ transplantation patients.

Synbiotic nutrients are powerful because they are pre-digested by commensal cells and turned into all sorts of amazing nutrients that you never find in your multiple vitamins. In fact, synbiotics are rarely found in probiotic supplements. To make matters worse, widespread irradiation and pasteurization is rendering most probiotic supplements and yogurt sterile. Commensals are easily poisoned by mold and man-made chemicals—including pharmaceuticals—resulting in massive cellucide. Commensal cellucide allows not-so-friendly bacteria to taking over and cause disease. Scientists at the Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia state that commensal cells are “a physiological regulatory system controlling bacterial penetration into an organism.”

Our culture has gone too far in its war against germs. “There’s an invisible epidemic of cellucide” says Paul Yanick, PhD, the research director of the American Academy of Quantum Medicine. “Clearly, man-made chemicals and pharmaceuticals are killing off our commensal cells at alarming rates making us woefully deficient in synbiotic nutrition” Yanick says.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found 148 chemicals in Americans of all ages, including lead, mercury, dioxins and PCBs while other scientists found antibacterial agents from liquid soaps in breast milk, infants’ cord blood and the urine of young girls that kill commensal cells. And in 2005, the Environmental Working Group found an average of 200 chemical carcinogens (cancer-causing) and nerve toxins in the blood of 10 newborns. “Our babies are being born pre-polluted,” says Sharyle Patton of Commonweal.

The shocking thing to most Americans is that we really don’t know that cellucide is taking place from these chemical toxins. Scientists say we’re now awash in a chemical brew of hormone-mimicking compounds that didn’t exist 100 years ago. “We’ve changed the nature of nature,” says Devra Lee Davis, director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh.

Yanick’s new e-book Cellucide focuses on one of the greatest unknown questions about commensal cells: How do they make synbiotic nutrients needed cleanse our body of unwanted inflammation and pollutants and keep us healthy? “We’re not getting what we used to [through diet], and we’re killing our innate commensal cells,” he said. “As a result, the balance of our commensal cell population has diminished, sometimes with disastrous effects on our immune system.”

Finding the probiotic-synbiotic supplement can be daunting for consumers, and the marketplace is a free-for-all. All products labeled “probiotic” don’t include synbiotics needed for probiotics to become healthy commensal cells and find a permanent home in our gut. In the 2006 Nature Medicine journal, researchers at the University of British Columbia found that the of human-commensal cell teamwork make us a “superorganism with immense metabolic diversity and capacity.” But, achieving this superorganism potential can only be accomplished with synbiotics.

The medical revelation is that when commensals are nourished with synbiotics, they cooperate and work together, becoming seventy-five percent or more of our immune system with profound effects on our health. Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine (St. Louis, MO) make it ever so clear “Coordinating this commensal’s immediate nutritional requirements with production of a host-derived energy source is consistent with its need to enter and persist within a competitive ecosystem.”

“Cellucide?” priced at $79, is currently being offered at a huge discounted price of only $29!

Contact Details:
Dr. Paul Yanick
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Telephone NO: 386-663-9062

Street:1982 State Road 44 #359,
City:New Smyrna Beach,
Zip Code:FL 32168

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