Rings – An eternal source of Symbolism


If we look at a ring from a geometrical point that is devoid of any romance, the ring is nothing else but a circle. This is definitely not true, according to the Greats, like Shakespeare, Milton and many more. To them and many romantics, the ring is rich in symbolism.

The ring not only encapsulates undying love but also timelessness, a sense of wholeness as well as homecoming. The ring also speaks volumes about the eternal return of the seasons as well as the constant round of the heavens.

The ring has also made an impact in astrology as well as alchemy. For instance, the ring symbolizes the great star – The Sun, as well as the Moon. Whereas, it also stands as a symbol for masculinity as well as femininity.

It is also interesting to note that the ring has also impacted the generations that have long come and gone before us. Great eras have constantly associated the ring with a sense of deep rooted magical significance. Furthermore, enchanted rings flood their presence in ancient folk lore.

Due to its rich symbolism,men could not just leave the ring untouched. Humans constantly strive to embellish the ring and all its glory. For instance, even in the 700 AD, the Celtic as well as Pan–Hellenic cultures are known to have embellished their wedding rings with gold and silver. Romans would even inculcate the Ouroboros, the serpent which consumed its own tail, in their wedding themes. Overall, the wedding ring not only represents a lifelong union, but a union that’s constantly renewed.

In 2010, the world of the wedding ring has under gone some drastic changes. Wedding rings are no longer just coated in gold or silver. There are a wide variety of rings. For instance, titan trade jewelry has some of the best rings for men, such as, titanium wedding rings, tungsten wedding rings and even titanium tungsten wedding rings. Their rings not only capture the very essence of the ring, but they also look and feel great and have a great masculine aura.

About the Author

The ring might have gone through several physical makeovers,but Titan trade jewelry makes sure the ring still remains true to what it stands for-partnership,mystery,eternal love and most importantly the circle of life.

For further details contact: http://www.titantradejewelry.com/

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About the author

By smanuva