RISPERDAL- The approved solution in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Mania


Risperdal is a trusted drug in the treatment of schizophrenia and manic depression. The drug has anti-psychotic action, and alters the imbalance and restores the chemical neurotransmission in the brain. This antipsychotic or neuroleptic drug has Risperidone as its core component or drug molecule. Occasionally the drug is also used in autistic children with behavioral problems and irritability.

Risperidone is a rapidly absorbed drug. Food does not affect the absorption, so the drug can be given with or without food. Follow every detailed instruction while taking Risperdal. Stick to the prescribed dose and do not increase or decrease the same as per your well being. Do not remove the tablet from its blister pack unless its time to take your medicine. Carefully open the pack and peel the foil.

Avoid pushing the tablet through the foil like you handle other medicines, as this can easily damage the tablet. Most importantly, keep your hands dry when you are taking the medicine. Place it directly in your mouth, and do not chew or swallow. The drug being well absorbed rapidly dissolves in the mouth. You may drink water, after the drug is fully dissolved. If you’re on liquid form of Risperdal, measure your dose correctly as instructed and do not mix it with any other beverage for its intake.

Patients on Risperdal should be scheduled and regular about their daily medication. Keep a fixed time, and follow the routine without missing the dose. The liquid form of Risperdal should not be frozen for storage. Store your medicine in room temperature, away from heat and moisture. And most importantly keep your medicine away from children’s reach.

Risperdal can be purchased online if you wish to buy this expensive drug at a cheaper rate. Reputed and reliable online companies like Canamerica Global are the best means to purchase your medicine stock. Ordering through Canamerica Global pharmacy requires your doctor’s prescription, and you can get your drugs at a discounted rate.

CanAmerica Global Inc.
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Winnipeg MB
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About the author

By Evamorgan