Robofollower – The fast, free, exchange innovation to skyrocket your Instagram popularity


With the power and scope of social media increasing every single day, Robofollower is the only company now offering a simple but effective way to gain likes and followers on your Instagram account. 

Boasting 150 million registered users worldwide, not to mention its recent acquisition by Facebook, Instagram is the pictorial portal of the future, the scope of which is determined quite simply by who likes, and who follows, your images.

Such popularity though cannot be bought. Or even fabricated. However it can be exchanged, thus Robofollower?s innovative technology provides a unique means by which your Instagram profile can swiftly skyrocket to a whole new level of promotional reach.

It is fast, and free, and plays by the Instagram rules, operating on the premise that to gain something, you must be prepared to give something in return. 

Like for like; follower for follower.

The service was developed and launched by M6 Lab in October 2012, and in the first month alone over 900,000 likes and 250,000 followers were exchanged, just proving the scope and potential of such a trading forum. For this service appeals not only to individuals, but also to entire brands and companies, whose reliance on social media to raise awareness is growing by the day and will only continue to do so.

With this in mind Robofollower will soon offer advanced features such as the chance to specify the profiles you are exchanging with ? Geographical Targeting allows you to choose the individual countries you want to gain new followers in, thus focussing your promotion more effectively. This is target marketing at its simplistic best.

Furthermore, given the entire concept is based around promotion, any use of Facebook and Twitter to inform friends and colleagues about Robofollower is rewarded with bonus ?points? which can be redeemed on the program itself, encouraging the continuous spread, and thus potential, of its work.

With the iPhone and Android apps currently in development, M6 Lab?s simple, easy-to-use Robofollower website is the perfect gateway to this unique service. With more than one billion photos uploaded to Istagram since its creation in October 2010, the benefits of forging ahead in this ever-growing Insta-universe cannot be underestimated. Every second a new user joins Instagram, thus why waste the opportunity to exchange and gain access to as many of these image-fiends as possible? To see, and be seen, by the entire online community?

Robofollower is a fresh, new and exciting addition to the global pictorial interchange which is capturing, and altering, the world we live in, every single day.

Join us today at and make your Instagram experience more exciting!

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By pressking