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Novel Rocket Man Defines Recession Generation

Rocket Man novel just publiished Reflects the Gen X Generation Stuck with the Mortgages, Kids, Debt and losing it all.

Chicago, IL, August 13, 2011 — Rocket Man sums up right now. A man Dale Hammer is on the verge of losing his home, his wife, and his father has come to live with him over his garage. Could things get much worse? YES. We join up with Dale as he tries to be the Rocket Man for his sons scout troop and is accused of trying to cut down the sign to his subdivision. To say he is out of sync with his enviroment would be an understatement, but Dale Hammer is the Gen Xer of yesteryear now in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Think The Graduate or Easy Rider or any of those seminal works that catches a moment for all time. Rocket Man has perfect pitch for what is happening right now. The book questions Dales materialism, his big car, his Mcmansion, just about everything that got us in trouble. And he is heading for the logical conclusion that so many people are facing right now. If there is anything that jumps out at you is that this man is not happy with anything and he doesn’t see much of a an alternative except to go back to some past happiness. As James Frey says of the novel, “…he is a man looking for the new American Dream. New is the operative word here as Dale heads for a smaller house, a smaller debt, and hopefully a life with larger meaning.

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