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Roni Deutch Analyzes Future Tax Policies Under An Obama Administration On FOX Business News

North Highlands, CA – Famed tax attorney Roni Deutch spent election night live on FOX Business News channel, and returned the next morning to discuss the future of taxes under an Obama administration.

Ms. Deutch has been a guest on the channel’s Money for Breakfast program a handful of times to discuss the presidential candidate’s tax policies and personal income tax returns. She has also taken to her personal blog with dozens of entries on the candidate’s plans for taxes and the economy (see for more information).

Throughout the election season taxes and the economy have been central issues, and exit polls show that the number one issue on voters minds was the economy. To help viewers stay informed on taxes on election night Ms. Deutch was a guest on FOX Business News’s live coverage of the election. Throughout the night, host Alexis Glick interviewed Ms. Deutch on the future of taxes in this country. She then appeared on Money for Breakfast the next morning to further discuss taxation under an Obama administration.

“Our government does not have enough money to fund all of Obama’s plans,” claimed Ms. Deutch. “We have a failure of imagination when it comes to our tax plans and our tax policies. America needs a lot of money. We have major deficits and are not going to collect enough revenue to pay for all of it. If we keep borrowing, one day we will wake up, and every one of us will pay more in taxes.”

Ms. Deutch was then questioned on what President-Elect Barack Obama could do, given the fact that he has long promised tax cuts for the majority of Americans.

“I love to be solution oriented,” Ms. Deutch quickly replied. “He needs to reform our entire tax system. Think of that 345 billion dollar tax gap. Think of that 15% of Americans who pay no taxes, or that underground community of people who work under the table for cash and pay no taxes. We must act to reform it.”

“Obama is a preacher of change,” Ms. Deutch continued. “He should start with the IRS. Change our tax rules, and we can collect more revenue to support energy, and most importantly to support education.”

Millions of people recognize tax attorney Roni Deutch as The Tax Lady®. She has been helping taxpayers nationwide resolve their tax liabilities for seventeen years. As an industry leader, she has saved her clients tens of millions of dollars and has helped thousands of families settle their back taxes.

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