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Room with a ewe

Picture the scene – you’re packing for a stay in a hotel – pyjamas – check – toothbrush – check – giant inflatable sheep – check – er…the latter may not spring to mind as a holiday essential but it is one of the thousands of items that travellers leave in hotel rooms all over the UK each year…

A new survey by Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express hotels has uncovered some rather alarming information about just what constitutes travellers’ essential items.

Space is usually limited when packing for a trip, but the bizarre array of items found left accidentally in hotel rooms suggests that some things just can’t be left at home – including a monk fancy dress costume.

Of course, lots of things that were left behind are far less interesting than sheep and monks. (What a combo!)

False legs were on the list – which begs the question, how on earth did their owner leave without noticing they didn’t have their leg in tow?

Crutches and dentures were also found to be a common sight after their owner’s departure.

Hotel managers reported that around £2.5 million worth of items are left behind each year, with phone chargers and underwear the most-recovered things.

Each year, hotel staff find 42,000 phone chargers worth around £630,000 and more than 40,000 items of underwear worth around £200,000, plus 14,000 toothbrushes worth around £21,000.

Pity the poor sole who left behind £2,000 in cash.

Jane Bednall, from Holiday Inn, said, “It’s quite unbelievable just how much is left behind by our guests each year.

“The phone chargers would easily stretch across the English Channel.

“Most items are not re-claimed and after six months we donate anything of value to local charities,” she added.

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