Money & Stocks: Stock Market, Economy Woes. Securities Commentator Available Now.


Wall Street, Fed, Economy: Safety 1st Moves Without Panic Mandatory in Chilling Times, says 19 year Expert. Washington Chimes In.

Despite an interest rate cut of ¾ pts by the FED, the stock markets opened lower today corresponding to a global downturn. Readers of our prior releases will know that expert money commentator Paul Young, the founder of the Securities Fraud Hotline and Securities Arbitration Group, provides unbiased opinions and valuable commentary designed for Main Street investors.

What Paul has written and commented on since July 2006 is coming true – in spades.

What is the Main Street investor to do now that the bubble has burst — again? How show the investor react? What, in practical terms, should and can the government do to help Main Streeters?

This is a RUSH RELEASE. Paul is available for print, for radio news and talk shows, for print. And he is available now and 24/7, live, phone, tape, on deadline.

We wrote and spoke of Enron 4x. We got it! — Paul Young, who for 19 years has been fighting Wall Street for burned Main Street investors. When investor are burned by financial pros, the Main Streeter who thinks or knows he has been burned calls the free, non-govt Securities Fraud Hotliine @ 1-800-222-4724.

MEDIA ONLY: Call Paul 24/7 at 310-880-8222.

Who we are: Paul Young is a nationally recognized and experienced rep and advocate for burned investors who has personally recovered millions for burned investors, case by case by case. Also a MONEY MATTERS broadcast commentator, columnist and author, Paul is the founder of Securities Arbitration Group and of the non-govt. and fully free Securities Fraud Hotline @ 1-800-222-4724. Our national team’s job is to get money back for burned Main Streeters from Wall Street when and if they have been burned by their stockbroker, registered investment advisor, brokerage or other financial services firm.

Young is fully media experienced, print and air. Interviews 24/7 at 1-310-880-8222.

For Burned Investors: The SECURITIES FRAUD HOTLINE is free and has been 24/7 for 19 years at 1-800-222-4724.
Email: [email protected] for all inquiries.

From the other day (backgrounder):

Below is our Updated Release of the other day. It is not aged. If you missed it, read on:

Goldman Sachs Follows Merrill Lynch and Securities Arbitration’s Young Noting Recession Here or On Immediate Horizon. UPDATE 1: Others, including Bush, T-Man Paulson Join Chorus: Big Problems in U.S. Economy. What does this mean to Main Street investors?

“IT TOOK AWHILE,” notes Securities Arbitration founder Paul Young. “But now two top Wall Street firms have joined on to our earlier conclusion that a recession in America is here or close at hand. The economics are too difficult to avoid the conclusion,” notes Young, a 19-year veteran securities fraud fighter and commentator on all money matters.

After an unnerving 2007 in the investing world for Main Streeters, what portends for 2008? “Recession and more unpredictable pain,” says 19-year veteran investment expert, columnist, and money commentator, Paul Young. “The ‘R’ word: RECESSION has been swirling around for months. While 2007 was a tough one for both Wall Street (the banking-brokerage sector was down as a group) and Main Street, it is now clear, as a Merrill Lynch report concludes, that the U.S. is in a recession. On January 10th, Goldman Sachs joined in, noting recession is “definitely on the way” (source: CBS/AP),” Young continues.

Major firms are now echoing the chorus of those of us who reasonably foresee that the nation is in deep economic trouble and may be so for some time. “My view voiced since early last year and then quite a lonely voice at that was and remains that 2008 may be Enron x 4+ nationwide,” says Young, who predicted the Dot-com disaster a full year before it hit and wrote of it as a daily columnist as it played out. “Now, others of note are joining the chorus and singing a tune of safety first for Main Street investors for 2008, at least.”

Young continues: “While Merrill Lynch, BBC News reports, that the U.S. is in the first month of recession, my own view is that for most Americans the nation has been in a recessionary spiral for many months. The housing double-whammy has been active for months, oil climbing for years, un- and underemployment, and other factors, combine for a potentially dangerous mix impacting the entire country.”

Young asserts that 2008 may be far more negative for America than the historic 1987 crash, the Dot-com disaster, and Enron – combined. This economic tsunami shall likely extend well into 2009 or beyond and require federal action by a new president and an aware new Congress to solve. A little luck would not hurt.

“It may be a rocky 2008 and the U.S. elections may not provide the hope America needs,” says Young, whose leads a national organization helping burned investors and is a print and broadcast commentator. “We are deeply concerned about securities fraud and investor abuse. People can afford losses less than ever and if, and only if, those losses occurred due to investor abuse, the pain can be greater. But if investor abuse was involved, securities arbitration affords the real and fair opportunity for victims to recover some, all, or more than all of their losses due to negligence, unsuitability, misrepresentations, and other abuses, concludes Young.

WHO PAYS? Main Street. As ever, Main Street pays first. And fraud makes any economic storm worse.

What to do in 2008? Young, who has no conflicts of interest, does not sell investments, and has no bias other than to the benefit of Main Street investors, advises individual investors to take a good look at their investments as 2008 begins and to adjust risk exposure to no more than 10% of one’s investments assuming that the 10% can be lost without imposing any harm to the investor’s standard of living. With the other 90%, structure to diversified safety and re-focus investment goals based on the changing world and the investor’s specific life circumstances. “No two investors are alike,” reminds Young. “A simple truism often lost.”

How can burned investors recover if they have been victimized by Wall Street? Fight Back. “That’s our job,” says Young. “On multiple fronts for investors, those burned and seeking recovery must fight back or they are guaranteed to lose twice. Fortunately, the excellent system of securities arbitration or mediation works well for investors in all 50 states.”

Who we are: Paul Young is a nationally recognized and experienced rep and advocate for burned investors who has personally recovered millions for burned investors, case by case by case. Also a MONEY MATTERS broadcast commentator, columnist and author, Paul is the founder of Securities Arbitration Group and of the non-govt. and fully free Securities Fraud Hotline @ 1-800-222-4724. Our national team’s job is to get money back for burned Main Streeters from Wall Street when and if they have been burned by their stockbroker, registered investment advisor, brokerage or other financial services firm.

Young is fully media experienced, print and air. Interviews 24/7 at 1-310-880-8222.

For Burned Investors: The SECURITIES FRAUD HOTLINE is free and has been 24/7 for 19 years at 1-800-222-4724.
Email: [email protected] for all inquiries.

About the author

By youngsag