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Half of Security Companies Listed in the Albuquerque Yellowpages Directory were Unlicensed

Robert Hamic continued to make complaints but no significant action was taken against the criminal actions. One year, 50% of the security companies listed in the Albuquerque Yellowpages directory were unlicensed.

Albuquerque, NM, March 12, 2009 — The New Mexico Security Blog published by Robert Robb Hamic provides a valuable resource to security consumers, guards and those people wanting to know the truth about the security industry. The New Mexico Security Blog is nearing 100,000 visitors and has hundreds of thousands of words, scanned documents, police reports, court cases, news stories, audio recordings and hilarious video of Albuquerque’s security industry.

The New Mexico Security Blog was founded almost a year ago by Robert Robb Hamic who is President of Summit Security & Investigation ®, based in Albuquerque. Mr. Hamic is a US Army Veteran, former Sheriff’s Deputy and Detective with experience investigating white collar crimes. He became frustrated with the Albuquerque Security Industry because many companies operated illegally without scrutiny from the state. Many of these firms were owned or operated by felons or criminals and these “bad” companies often hired people with criminal records and didn’t provide these guards with any training or state mandated licensing. Mr. Hamic submitted many complaints to New Mexico’s Regulation and Licensing Department, which was responsible for “regulating” the security and investigation industries. Surprisingly, man of these illegal companies continued to operate unchecked by the state.

Robert Hamic continued to make complaints but no significant action was taken against the criminal actions. One year, 50% of the security companies listed in the Albuquerque Yellowpages directory were unlicensed. A number were owned by felons. “Unfortunately, the Albuquerque Security Industry has deteriorated and many people who buy security services are being fooled,” says Robb Hamic. “I finally realized that the state of New Mexico wasn’t going to regulate the industry or take action so I decided to start the blog. I include extensive investigations on many of the worst examples that I found and I include video, audio, police reports or any other relevant information that I find on the blog for everyone to see.”

The New Mexico Security Blog has index pages of blog posts for many companies and the blog has grown to over 500,000 words with hundreds of shocking investigations. Mr. Hamic has had a lot of help from other legitimate security company owners, guards, investigators and security consumers who are tired of being deceived. The blog has now grown into a multi-author/ contributor collaborative. Its goal is to inform the public and provide a resource to the industry, guards and security consumers.

Mr. Hamic has been interviewed on local news and talk radio. He has been interviewed by nationally syndicated magazines about the problems with the New Mexico and Albuquerque security industries. Robb Hamic has turned over his investigations and information to law enforcement or other agencies and at least a half dozen of the industries worst have been arrested or indicted. Many other investigations are currently underway. In addition, Mr. Hamic has turned over information to the news who have done many dozen reports and stories on the problems that are facing New Mexicans through the security industry.

Some of the New Mexico Security Blog’s most visited pages are listed below:…………
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Robb Hamic
New Mexico Security Council
PO Box 8287
Albuquerque, NM 87198

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