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Seeking out Win-Win Cooperation Internationally in Green Energy & Biotech, ITRI is Heading for USA

Led by Dr. Johnsee Lee, President of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), ITRI Forum 2009 and Career Fair was held at Silicon Valley Crowne Plaza, CA, on 16th May; meanwhile, Country Seminar on Taiwan’s Biotech was held at Hilton Atlanta on 18th May. Through opinion exchanges and technology exhibitions, ITRI is looking forward to searching for cooperative partners to create win-win opportunities for international cooperation.
The ITRI Forum 2009 and Career Fair explored the theme of Technology Innovations after the Storm. ITRI’s President, Dr. Johnsee Lee, commented that the world economy this year has suffered from the financial tsunami. As a result, governments throughout the world are increasing expenditures on public infrastructure projects to not only generate jobs, but also create the pillars for a better lifestyle. The Taiwan government has recently been aggressively promoting the opportunities of six emerging industries. ITRI is working in tandem with the government to hasten the takeoff of the green energy and biotech industries. ITRI has moved forward the project calling for 160,000 Electric Vehicles (EV), the Rapid Prototyping Center (RPC) for medical devices, and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI).
The main objective of creating the Rapid Prototyping Center for medical devices is to provide a platform to integrate clinical research and engineering technology, and offer a comprehensive mechanism to develop and test prototypes, protect intellectual property and commercialize products. Dr. Lee furthermore explained that ITRI will help to bridge commercial enterprises and intellectual property teams, thereby transferring technology to manufacturers, enabling them to have access to internationally advanced technologies. Meanwhile, ITRI has also proposed to develop Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Distributed energy management software will provide the means to distribute and use energy sources in the most efficient manner to provide energy consumption data on a real-time basis, creating a win-win situation for environmental protection and the economy.
Besides, a 60-member strong delegation comprised of representatives from Taiwan’s industrial, academic, research and government sectors is taking part in the 2009 BIO International Convention, the annual global biotech event that this year is being held in Atlanta, Georgia. The Taiwan delegation and local experts on May 18 jointly held the 2009 Country Seminar on Taiwan’s Biotech. ITRI’s President Dr. Johnsee Lee hosted the seminar, which was attended by distinguished guests including Representative Charlice Byrd of the Georgia State House of Representatives.

**Contact Information
Company: Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
Contact Person: Alvin Liang Kuo
Tel: +886-3-5916371
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